As is typical of Mr. John Farnam, his feelings mirror mine exactly on the subject of “Open (ie Exposed) Carry”. Keep it Concealed. Fly below the Radar. -SF
The State of TX has recently authorized “open” (exposed) carry of guns within the state.
Lots of details yet to be worked-out, but the legislation has gone through. AZ and some other states have technically permitted the practice for some time. And, even in states where there is no specific legislation, the practice is commonly noted in some areas.
My advice to students is not to carry openly. When open carry becomes common, even expected, I may join in. Until then, I’ll leave the practice to those far more in need of fame and recognition than me!
To me, it is similar to wearing a T-shirt proclaiming your particular political party. Why do you think everyone who sees you needs to know that? How does that benefit you?
My personal philosophy of appearing in public revolves around always projecting a low profile.
I don’t think it is in my best interests for me to inadvertently, nor intentionally, broadcast important information about myself, information that is no one else’s business!
So, I discretely carry concealed. I am always heavily armed, to be sure, but you can’t tell by looking, nor do I talk about guns, politics, travel plans, et al with people I don’t know. Precious few people have a legitimate need to know any of that!
I do my best to be courteous, polite, and pleasant with everyone, but never chatty with people I don’t know. I don’t want to appear “interesting” nor “beauteous” while in public. I just quietly go my way and conduct my business without fanfare. I believe that philosophy adequately represents my best interests.
Be a “stand-out” when you are so inclined. Just be prepared to garner far more “attention” than you ever wanted!
Read the Original Article at Ammo-Land
Read More of Mr. Farnam’s “Quips” at his website Defense Training International
Issues are Pro and Con, relating to Open Carry, as the Plain View Doctrine, governs what is observable. While convenience towards comfort, the opposing fact is that one, may possibly become victim, if, any part of their guard is not maintained, and an assailant so desires to arm-up, with the sheep’s gun. Law enforcement personnel, live with their weapons and will explain many nuances, but notice, anywhere you go, the hardcore professionals, all, have the exact same mindset and, are brutally aware of Officer Survival, as a primary thread of their Character.
Another thing is, a question of civic obligations if, you are armed and fail to take a proper action or, take an action for which an error is commited. Indemnification. Concealed carry, and you are simply another harmless citizen. Nobody expects anyone to place themselves into danger regarding third party incidents.
Something never addressed, is whether any person, has the mental faculties, to carry openly, without undergoing some personality transfiguration. Police discuss this quite a bit during training, and it does have an effect negatively at times, if interference is involved, obstructing government administration with the officer doing their job, by the armed and assumingly “all knowing” open carrier. Best way I can describe it is, Native Americans, had issues when conforming to (Whiteman) government, and really, what was expected when, they went from loincloth to Cadillac, in under one-hundred years. Now, armed people, who were disarmed and essentially naked in the Stone Age of civilization, are expected to go into the world and operate an M1 Abrams (or similar). There is bound to be issues and, orientations now, eliminate some difficulties.
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For those of us who are interested in self and family protection this is an article you might want to read.