Just like Great Britian, This is the end-result of a Govt. that pacifies and emboldens Terrorist. With this kind of policy, Nobody is safe anymore. Take Responsibility for you and your family’s safety NOW. -SF “Islamic State hackers post ‘kill list’ of Minnesota cops,” by Kellan Howell, The Washington Times, March 15, 2016: A group…
Texas News: TX Allowed to Join Lawsuit Challenging BLM Land Grab
This is a big deal folks. Our Governor is standing with fellow Texans to fight the U.S. Govt. from STEALING land from private citizens. -SF A US District Court Monday cleared the way for the State of Texas to join landowners in a lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Land Management. Governor Greg Abbott announced…
Another Reason To Be Armed: Hatchet Wielding Robber Stopped by Armed Citizen
A customer with a concealed-carry permit shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on…
Military History: Top 5 Worst Submarine Disasters
North Korea’s apparent loss of one its submarines this week is a stark reminder that operating in the undersea domain is fraught with danger. Since the Second World War, the United States, Russia and China—and a host of other nations—have lost vessels and their crews to accidents. Operating submarines is a risky business under…
World War Two History: This ‘Addams Family’ Star was a True American Warrior!
Waif to Warrior: Going From Child Star To “Chindit” In WWII America John was a child of Vaudeville; he became a professional entertainer at the age of four. He was an immediate hit on stage and when silent films came out, John was cast to co-star with the likes of Charlie Chaplin then later as…
Cartel Corner #66: Drug Cartels Are Taking over the Mexican Tortilla Biz
Samuel ran down the steep dirt track lined with blue and pink houses desperate to escape. The 20-year-old took long strides and ran from one side to the other in a zigzag. He begged for someone to open the door of a house so he could hide, but nobody did. That mid-morning, the poor and…
Military Weapons From The Past: A Side-Loading M1 Garand? It Was Never Meant To Be
In 1951 and ’52, the U.S. military’s official Springfield Armory began experimenting with re-chambering the M1 Garand with the new T65E3 light rifle cartridge. As part of these experiments, the armory tested several alternate feed and magazine systems. In order to re-chamber a standard M1 in the new cartridge, the armorers replaced the barrel and…
Dose of Truth: The U.S. Government is Funding Terrorism Through Support of the Palestinian Authority
How US Taxpayers Funded the Murder of an Iraq Vet in Israel by Daniel Greenfield Taylor Force had been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, he had served at Fort Hood in the year of the infamous Islamic terrorist attack on the base, but a Jihadist finally caught up to the veteran, whose father and grandfather…
In the FBI’s Crypto War, Apps May Be The Next Target
IF THERE’S ANYTHING the world has learned from the standoff over the encrypted iPhone of San Bernardino killer Syed Rizwan Farook, it’s that the FBI doesn’t take no for an answer. And now it’s becoming clear that the government’s determination to access encrypted data doesn’t end with a single iPhone, or with Apple, or even…
America Again!
I came across this organization through an article written by David Codrea on Ammo-Land. I found it interesting because it is a fresh, LEGAL approach to both the defense of the 2nd Amendment and returning this Country BACK TO THE STATES AND THE PEOPLE. Now I realize the devil is in the details, and yes,…