According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach — suffering “minor injuries” — before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect.
The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident occurred around 5:45 a.m. Sunday morning.
The armed citizen is a described as a “60-year-old Seattle man” who comes into the store daily for coffee and lottery tickets. The 58-year-old clerk describes him as “a regular guy.” King County Sheriff’s Sergeant Cindi West said, “Fortunately, because of this customer with his weapon, this could have been a lot worse. The clerk could be the one laying there dead on the floor right now.”
The only description of the alleged attacker is that he was “in his 40s.”
Read the Original Article at Breitbart
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