Category: WRSA
It’s Time to Bring Back Citizen Militias
H/T WRSA It’s Time to Bring Back Citizen Militias My two cents on militias has always been PRACTICAL. The streak of natural disasters in the past decade shows this: Learn this Lesson Now: A Civilian “Militia” is more than Guys with Guns, It’s People that Help when the “Government” Could not Find…
FUSA Wildfire Map
H/T WRSA Fire, Weather and Avalanche Center With the way things are going currently regarding Wildfires, I highly recommend you download the FWAC App to your phone. To access the entire CONUS Wildfire map click on Wildfires in the Top Right Menu. You can also scroll down to the bottom and input…
The Road to Revolution
H/T WRSA The Road to Revolution The study of the Spanish Civil War is without a doubt one of the most practical historical topics to study for the modern day dissident. For Further Study: Guerilla Warfare 101: Lessons from the Spanish Civil War The Victorious Counter-Revolution, The Nationalist Effort in the…
The Way of the Warrior
H/T WRSA The Way of the Warrior in Anglo-Saxon England involved far more than merely being trained in the use of weapons as I put it simply in my thread of yesterday. Of equal, or greater, importance was learning both the rituals associated with warfare and the right form of battle. 1/19 The…
Doesn’t Everyone Need Moar Razor Wire?
H/T WRSA Doesn’t Everyone Need Moar Razor Wire? Stock up while Supplies Last! Nothing says Perimeter Security like 82 Yards of Razor Wire!
The Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerilla
You can download the above manual at John Spencer’s Website. Highly recommend you bookmark this site as well, LOTS of good stuff there! I also Highly Recommend you read all of John Spencer’s Urban Warfare Case Studies over at Modern War Institute Via WRSA: You will see this material again. The only real question…
Quote of The Decade
H/T WRSA Download and Read the entire novel: https://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDFs/Camp_of_the_Saints_2col%20.pdf “There’s a Feeling I get when I look to the West…” Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven
Reference Library: Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide
H/T WRSA Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide Download to flash drive ASAP. For further reading: The Essence of Guerilla Warfare is MINDSET Special Forces Guerilla Warfare Manual (pdf) The Paladin Reference Library
FUSA Bulletin: More Invasion Shenanigans