Category: White Privilege Myth
Know Your History: White Immigrants & Free White Persons
The Blessings of Western Culture
Meanwhile Across the Pond: Keir Starmer Attacks British Farmers
Via: White Papers Institute Keir Starmer Attacks British Farmers For decades the British agricultural sector, like those in numerous other Western nations, has come under sustained attack by the government in Westminster. When Britain joined the European Union’s Common Market in 1973 the regulatory environment of Brussels immediately began to squeeze the…
Thank God for the Fatherland!
Black Crime: FEMA She-Boon Fired
FEMA official who allegedly told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs fired Is it really any surprise it was an Affirmative Action/DEI hire She-boon? White Genocide and White Discrimination at a Federal level. Mark It. Remember it. This is not an isolated case. DJT needs to follow through on his promises come…
Via: Evil White Guy
Red Terror & the Holodomor (The Real Holocaust)
Via: The White Rabbit Red Terror & the Holodomor Watch the Video HERE.
Camp of the Saints Pre-Game (French Edition)
France: Five Wounded in Massive Street Fight Involving Hundreds of Drug Dealers Sailer’s Law does not just apply to your average armed ghetto monkey but also your Foreign ones as well. An estimated 600 people involved in a “gunfight” and you only have 5 wounded with no fatalities? Yeah that’s got STUPID NIGGER written…
White Genocide: Drunk Illegal Kills 29 Year Old White Texas Man
Illegal Alien Accused of Killing 29-Year-Old Grayson Davis in Texas Crash So many young white men and women are needlessly losing their lives to these DRUNK ILLEGAL POS every day and the MSM continues to sweep it under the rug. As a Texan let me give you folks the real skinny: These ILLEGALS are…