Black History Resources (ie Articles Proving It’s All Horseshit and Propaganda!) It occurred to me that this being Anti-White February (aka Black History Month) I would be irresponsible of me as a Proud Southern White Man if I did not provide some kind of counter-balance/palate cleanser for the never ending stream of black propaganda horse…
Category: White Privilege Myth
Twofer from Dissident Thoughts (aka Arthur Sido)
In The End, The Good Guys Win It is pretty easy to get black-pilled being a dissident. It isn’t like you have to search high and low for bad news and ominous portents of civilizational collapse and racial genocide. You have to almost actively avoid seeing the news or be continually marinating your brain in…
Spitting on Confederates
Spitting on Confederates For 130 years, this monument stood in Richmond, Virginia. This is Confederate General Ambrose Powell Hill, one of Stonewall Jackson’s ablest divisional commanders. The general was buried beneath the monument. Last December, as part of its campaign to wipe out every trace of the Confederacy, the Richmond city government tore down the…
FUSA Bulletin: 10 Stages of Genocide
H/T VikingLife Blog 1. Classification People are divided into “them and us” 2. Symbolization “When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups…” 3. Discrimination “Law or cultural power excludes groups from full civil rights: segregation or apartheid laws, denial of voting rights” 4. Dehumanization “One group…
Wanted: White Families
US Birth Rates Continue to Fall
Creative Historical Interpretations Are Not History
Creative Historical Interpretations Are Not History This piece goes hand in hand with my most recent essay entitled The Unappointed Gatekeepers of History.
Toward A Harmonious Racial Disengagement
Toward A Harmonious Racial Disengagement Blacks and whites have proved unable to live amicably intermixed. What alternative is there? Many people have argued for a policy of separate but equal. Allowing voluntary disengagement in so many venues, or encouraging it, would be said to amount to balkanization of America. Just so. Enforced togetherness has…
Diversity Watch
Diversity Watch Successful societies become bloated. It is not that they become weak, but that so many weak people appear that a market for delusion is created. Their wealth is not the cause of their problems, but it allows the weak to survive and prosper, just like technology does. In other words, we see…
Canadian Commercial Encourages Whites to Partake in Assisted Suicide
Canadian Commercial Encourages Whites to Partake in Assisted Suicide I did a post yesterday on how low sperm counts across the globe harken back to the dystopian classic The Children of Men. But now with these All-White Canadian Assisted Suicide commercials it is downright spooky! All that remains is for the Government to start mailing…