.44 Magnum Concealed Carry “Carry the biggest gun you can tote comfortably and shoot accurately. The reason being is if it is not Comfortable you will leave it at home in the gun safe instead of having it in your pants when you need it and if you can’t shoot it accurately, well, what…
Category: Warrior Tech
U.S. Army Get’s New Rifles as it Circles Down the WOKE Drain
Behold, I Make All things New! I guess giving new rifles to the troops is a consolation prize for all the Diversity and Tranny training they will have to attend. No Seriously, the upgrade in caliber is a PLUS. Never been a fan of 5.56 for many reasons. Now in the words of Crazy…
Civilian Legal Flashbangs
H/T American Partisan My two cents: The cost of these things ($47 each) is ridiculous compared to what you actually get. I think I would rather spend my money on reloading supplies. But, If you think you really need to have something like this you would be better off buying a surplus of…
Know Your WW2 History: Axis vs AA Guns
AXIS VS. AA GUNS: HISTORY OF AMERICAN ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS Even from the first moments of America’s sudden involvement in World War II, U.S. anti-aircraft (AA) gunners were in the thick of the fight. John W. Finn, US Navy Chief Aviation Ordnanceman, won the Medal of Honor during the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, December…
Know Your Weapons: Russian BMP-Terminator Tank
BMP-Terminator: Designed after the lessons of the Chechen War This Tank or (Tank Support Combat Vehicle) design came in response to the DISASTER the Russian Army encountered in Grozny in 1994-95 when small elements of Guerilla Rifleman armed with RPG’s and Anti-Tank mines took out entire Russian Armored columns. Note the Grenade Launcher tubes…
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator Strength always wins the Day folks. (Not Size, STRENGTH!) This is why I think Rucking is the most practical cardio/strength exercise for the armed civilian. Using weighted packs on long hikes creates the kind of practical strength and endurance needed on the…
Know Your History: The Molotov Cocktail vs The Tank
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL VS. TANK: A HISTORY OF THIS DESPERATE MEASURE Concise history on the Molotov as an Anti-Tank Measure down through the decades of modern warfare. The free pdf book David’s Tool Kit: A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons is an awesome resource for the Armed Citizen. Download yours Today! …
Glock Pistols- What Breaks and How to Fix It
Glock Pistols- What Breaks and How to Fix It Fairly comprehensive primer on how to keep your Austrian Ass Kicker Kicking.
Von Steuben: Light Infantry Load-Out
Von Steuben: Light Infantry Load-Out Really well put together series on a practical load out for the Light Infantry citizen ground pounder, aka Grunt.
The M1 Carbine: Reputation vs. Reality
The M1 Carbine: Reputation vs. Reality One of the best overall articles on the M1 Carbine I have read to date. Another good article on the M1 Carbine.