H/T Fix Bayonets Locate, Close With, and Destroy There are two reasons for people to clash. First, because some people believe they have no other choice. A second reason is that it suits them. During OPERATION STARLITE, the 1st V.C. Regiment lost 615 men, either as killed in action or detained as…
Category: Vietnam War
Know Your Weapons: The M72 LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon)
M72 LAW: American Light Anti-Tank Weapons in Vietnam and Beyond The M72 consists of a disposable launcher that fires an unguided 66mm solid-fuel rocket. The basic concept is essentially an arithmetic mean between the American bazooka and the German WWII-vintage Panzerfaust. The light anti-armor weapon saw a great deal of use in the Vietnam War…
Know Your Weapons: The M18A1 Claymore Mine
The M18A1 Claymore Mine: From Vietnam to Today Aimed in the right direction, the U.S. M18A1 Claymore mine is one of the most lethal and devastating anti-infiltration weapons of modern warfare. There’s a reason for the qualifier on that kudo, and more about that in a moment. From its initial employment with U.S….
Know Your Military History: 4 Vietnam War Myths Civilians Still Believe
H/T Zombie Apocalypse Survival Homestead 4 Vietnam War Myths Civilians Still Believe The last one really hit home with me. I am a HUGE advocate for Homeless Veterans and I can tell you for a fact that maybe half of the Veterans I help have addiction or mental health problems, the rest have just…
Military History: Legend of the Old Corps – Gustav Hasford and the Snuffies
Legends of the Old Corps – Gustav Hasford and the “Snuffies” Fascinating story for all you fellow military history book worms like me. Stay Frosty.
Military History: How ‘Nam Helped Secure Our Borders
How the Vietnam War Brought High-Tech Border Surveillance to America (click on above link title to be re-directed to source page) An interesting read on what I like to call “Practical Military History.” Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Vietnam War History: Trying to Find Viet-Cong Tunnels with Witching Rods?
The Military Has Been Known to Try Almost Anything Once, Regardless of it’s Effectiveness For more than five centuries, farmers, treasure hunters and others have applied a pseudoscientific practice known as “dowsing” to find water, caves, graves and more. During the Vietnam War, American troops tried using the method to divine the location of…
Profiles in Courage: “He Was One Of Us”
Not sure if any of you caught this story last night on ABC News, but it was a good’un. It is stories like this that as a historian and veteran, I absolutely love to learn about, mostly because you won’t find it in any official history books. I did some digging and found this amazing…
Military History: The Saga of the Six-Legged Soldiers
The U.S. Army Wanted to Conscript Insects to Fight the Viet-Cong But the six-legged soldiers weren’t terribly reliable! Mao Tse-Tung famously wrote in On Guerrilla Warfare that guerrillas are proverbial fish who have to swim in the water of the people in order to win their struggle against powerful governments. “It is only undisciplined troops who…
Military Weapons from the Past: Americas First Rolling Armored “Shotgun”
A weird little Marine Corps tank blasted North Vietnamese troops Designed and built in a farm tractor factory and armed with six 106-millimeter recoilless rifles, the M-50A1 Ontos was rejected by the Army and only purchased in small numbers by the Marine Corps. Years later in Vietnam, the USMC trained infantry riflemen to drive these…