John McAleese’s story is one of a true modern day Spartan. The man was an absolute beast when it came to early Counter-Terrorism Operations. John’s life continues to inspire millions. The character of “Captain Price” in the Call of Duty Video Game Franchise is based looely on his life and exploits.
Category: UK News
Rooted in the Soil
Rooted in the Soil “Which is why the royal personage who was entombed in Plas Gogerddan in Ceredigion in Wales is so important because just like the ship burial of his ‘significant other’ overlooking the River Deben near Woodbridge in Suffolk, he, like his ancestors, are rooted in the soil of these islands and are…
Racial Reality: Two from Across the Pond
A Dire Report from the Isles of my Ancestors White Irish Minority in Dublin Irish people are now a minority in 2/3 of North Inner City Dublin. Most major cities in the Western world have been ethnically cleansed of White people. British Propaganda Shows Europeans As Violent Rapists and Blacks As “Saviors of…
Who was behind the UK’s Race Relations Act of 1965?
Another good read on modern history.
Dose of Truth
A young Dindu gets trampled by the Queens Guard most likely because either he and his immigrant parents did not speak the King’s English that warned him to Stand Clear or his stupid lazy black parents just forgot about him. It’s a 50/50 shot on which one it was.
Consider the Red-Cage Stinkhorn Fungi…
Reading the description of how this non-indigenous species reproduces one can quickly draw parallels to the modern immigration invasion taking place in the U.K., Europe and the United States! The species is native to Australia and New Zealand but has been introduced to the UK. “Like something from a sci-fi movie this fungus dramatically…
UK: Conservative MP Stabbed To Death By Somali Was A Strong Supporter Of Black Lives Matter
A White man who supported militant black power groups and the destruction of his own country by invading hordes is murdered by them. It’s the status quo of a multi-culturalist failed society.
Calderdale & Bradford Rape Gang: 29 men charged with raping ONE girl
POS Muslim Rape Gangs still at it in UK. Multiculturalism at it’s finest.