‘It was pure instinct’: Brazilian Deliveroo driver tells of moment he stopped Parnell Street attacker In the violent, unpredictable world we live in today the martial citizen must possess the Combative Mentality of ONE MIND, ANY WEAPON. In other words, it does not matter HOW you defeat your attacker, whether it be with a…
Category: UK News
The Great Surrender
The Great Surrender “We are in the end stages of the Great Surrender that is leading to the great collapse of Western civilization. As the great men of Western civilization fade into obscurity or have their legacy trashed by lesser people that delight in ritualistic humiliation of their long-dead betters, our nations are being…
The Words of the Prophet Have Come to Pass
H/T WRSA Native White Britons are Beaten and Accosted in the Streets and then arrested by a gelded Police Force. An Older White British Man and Woman wearing “Patriotic Pins” are accosted in Victoria Station not only by muzzah replacement goons but also by their pathetic police bodyguards as well….
Awakening the Saxon
The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon Rudyard Kipling It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon…
We Tried To Warn You: Remembering Those That Tried to Save Great Britain
Remembering Sir Oswald Mosley Oswald Mosley – An Inspiration for 21st Century Europe Mosley on Guerilla Warfare Remembering Enoch Powell A Re-Evaluation of the Life, Politics and Philosophy of Enoch Powell Rivers of Blood The Road to National Suicide: Minority Ethnic Ascendancy, the Public Interest, & the “Uniform of Color” Remembering…
The Fire Rises…
The Invasion and Ethnic Cleansing of a Small Archipelago
H/T WRSA The Invasion and Ethnic Cleansing of a Small Archipelago Blow out, you bugles, over the rich Dead! There’s none of these so lonely and poor of old, But, dying, has made us rarer gifts than gold. These laid the world away; poured out the red Sweet wine of youth; gave up…
When Fiction Becomes Reality
Floating Migrant Camp Planned for Dorset In the dystopian novel Children of Men by P.D. James (published in 1992) the world in the year 2027 teeters on extinction as mass infertility plagues the globe and mass immigration threatens to destroy what is left of the U.K. The movie adaptation released in 2006 starring Clive Owen…
Imported Muslim Rape Gangs Continue to Plague UK
Teenage Girls in the UK Launch Protest After Schoolgirl Raped by Illegal Aliens from Afghanistan Let’s not forget this kind of bullshit has been going on in the UK for more than a decade now with help from the corrupt and complicit British Government and Law enforcement.
Transforming Britain into Brazil
Transforming Britain into Brazil First off it is important to understand the Globalist LIE that Brazil’s diversity is some kind of fairy-tale “Success” Story. The FACTS tell us otherwise. The idea of a collapse because of mass immigration is flawed, though it was popular in our part of the internet for many years….