Abbott Opposes ILLEGALS At Texas Border—But Recruits LEGAL Immigrants In India With all the Kayfabe and Smoke and Mirror Political Bullshit going on at the Texas Border it’s easy to get distracted and stop asking the really important questions regarding the future of Texas. FACT: The Great Replacement is being coordinated and accomplished as…
Category: Texas History
Don’t Forget Texas Governor Greg Abbott is Globo-Homo
It’s very Easy for People to Forget Important Facts when National Attention is Focused on the Manufactured and Government Subsidized Illegal Immigration Crisis. Please Share and Spread the Word that Governor Abbott is a WEF Plant. Michael Yon has posted dozens of articles on this Subject. Here are two of mine: Which Way Governor…
Confederacy is Common Purpose
Republican Governors Band Together, Issue Joint Statement Supporting Texas’ Constitutional Right to Self-Defense Texas Nationalist Movement Confederacy; A group of people, countries, organizations, etc. joined together for a common purpose or by a common interest : LEAGUE, ALLIANCE
The Federal Government has Broken the Compact
Texas Nationalist Movement
Federal Traitors Threatening to Jail Texas National Guard
Join TNM
Texas News: Tensions Run High on the Southern Border
Feds demand Texas stop blocking Border Patrol agents access to border The sovereign Republic of Texas has a Constitutional Right to Protect it’s Citizens from FOREIGN Invasion when the Federal Govt. is aiding and abetting the enemy. Eagle Pass may become our Fort Sumter very soon. Prepare Accordingly.
Know Your Texas History: J. E. McCord — Texas Ranger
H/T: Searching History (Note from the Hermit: I want to remind all my fellow History buffs to Subscribe to fellow Marine Mustang’s two blogs: Searching History and Fix Bayonets) J. E. McCord — Texas Ranger In modern times, parents give their children unusual first names to set them apart from other kids. Naming…
Sovereign States and Independent Republics
Via: Searching History Sovereign States and Independent Republics At one time, the Republic of Texas was a sovereign state in North America. It existed from 2 March 1826 to 19 February 1846. It shared a border with the Republic of Mexico, the Republic of the Rio Grande (another Mexican breakaway republic), and the United…
Texas News: Senate Passes Bill Allowing Local, State Police To Arrest Illegal Immigrants
Don’t Mess With Texas: Senate Passes Bill Allowing Local, State Police To Arrest Illegal Immigrants I hate to always have to be the pessimistic ‘Debbie Downer’, but just like with 95% of the legislation passed by the State regarding illegal immigration, this is yet another kayfabe tactic, aka a political ruse to pacify the…