Don’t Mess With Texas: Senate Passes Bill Allowing Local, State Police To Arrest Illegal Immigrants
I hate to always have to be the pessimistic ‘Debbie Downer’, but just like with 95% of the legislation passed by the State regarding illegal immigration, this is yet another kayfabe tactic, aka a political ruse to pacify the public.
Before I begin with the negatives, I will say that the passing of this bill is a WIN for State Sovereignty in that local and State Police can arrest illegal immigrants without Federal permission, but unfortunately that is where the positive aspects end.
According to the bill:
“First time offenders face up to one year in jail, while convicted felons with multiple illegal entries could face life in prison.”
So as much as I hate to agree with the Demo-tards here, arresting these illegals and throwing them in jail is like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.
Yes, you are taking the illegal out of circulation but at what cost? The strain on our already over-burdened State court and penal system would be far too much to handle, which brings up yet another fear: When the jails and prisons are full, will the State begin building massive refugee camps?
Sadly the answer is YES.
In fact, they have already built one!
Colony Ridge, aka “Abbott City” is a 24 square mile development built to house 200K illegals.
Compare this to the Palestinian refugee camp Zaatari in Syria below:
I understand the State has it’s hands tied with the absolute goat rodeo that is Federal Deportation law and this measure is an attempt to stem the tide, but I make no apologies for not wanting my beloved Lone-Star State to become an open-air wetback camp sure to manufacture disease and crime.
Sam Houston and William Travis are turning over in their graves as we speak.
May God Save the Great State of Texas.