Using Reflections in the Urban Environment A Lesson in Situational Awareness by Mark E. One skill that you can hone easily, and I often do, is the use of REFLECTIONS. They are plentiful in my world – buildings, store front and vehicles – probably in yours, too. I find myself in the urban and industrial…
Category: Tactics
Practice Makes Permanent
From the Archives, 2015 I first heard this from a Military Drill Instructor while on the firing line a long time ago and it stuck with me. I apply it to just about every area of my life now, but especially FIREARMS TRAINING HABITS. To me, it is the essence of WHY we should…
Drilling for the Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…
Working with What you Got…….
The broad strokes of this article was brought to my attention by a friend of mine, and with the recent post on Combatives, I thought it pertinent to add to the collection. I also wanted to use it to raise awareness, which is, as I have always said, the real reason for this blog. OK,…
Thinking “Combatively” Part I: Get Your Mind Right!
As of late, there has been alot of argument and conversation about small, pocket pistols and revolvers for self-defense. People have ranted that either they will work or they won’t in a street fight..I have to laugh because I think folks (like always) are missing the point. This article is not meant to persuade you…
Preparing to Win: The CO Drill Concept
“The Will to Win compares little with the will to prepare to Win.” …
Drillin with the Kalash
Been hitting the range lately and wanted to drop a few drills and pointers…some of these are mine, some are not…find what works for you and build your own list. 1. Learning to control the weapon is key. Forget in front of the magazine hold..adapt a full front hand guard grip that mimics a torqueing…
Do you Mothball your Medical Training?
Often Medical training is one of the most overlooked areas in the Civilian Operator’s toolbox…it is more than having a boo boo bag or that tacti-cool Trauma Pack, as in all things, it comes down to KNOWING. KNOWLEDGE combined with QUICK RESPONSE can save lives. Personalizing your kit and training to your specific household’s…
It’s the End of the World as I Know It….(and I feel Fine)
You know as of late, there has been ALOT of chatter on forums and in barber shops about all this unrest in the Middle East being the BEGINNING of the END. Now, this articles aim is not Religious or Political in nature, not because I am a man of unbelief or callous to US foreign…
Understanding the Tactics of Terror
“Violence does not discriminate based on one’s age, race, gender, faith, income level and own perception of preparedness level to deal with it…Without a moment’s notice, one can find himself in the middle of the most chaotic, brutal, mind-numbing experience of one’s life…Criminals, Gang-Bangers, Predators, Terrorist and Sociopaths by definition, prey on the weak and…