The public argument between Apple and the FBI over cracking the encryption on an iPhone used by the San Bernardino Muslim terrorists is one of those ongoing civil liberties debates that negotiate the terms on which we are asked to sacrifice our civil liberties for the sake of Muslim immigration. We have already made a…
Category: Propaganda Alert
Crusader Corner: How Gitmo is Used in Jihadist Propaganda (Hint: It’s Less than Obama Suggest)
In his last year in office, President Obama has submitted to Congress a plan to achieve what he had promised to do in his first: Close the facility housing terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the interim, Obama and a series of other officials, including former CIA Director David Petraeus, have called the prison a propaganda tool for terrorists….
Propaganda Watch: How Photo Angles Can Deceive
You have heard the saying from Edgar Allen Poe “Only Believe half of what you see and Nothing that you hear.” This post and picture proves that advice true! -SF It looks like a bizarre monster from the deep, but a photo going around taken in Lake Macquarie is likely all too terrestrial. The sea animal some…
Dose of Truth: Let’s be CLEAR on what BHO Actually Said at the Baltimore Mosque
If you seek to understand Barack Obama and his views, the best place to go is his speeches. But you have to read them in their entirety, not rely on hearing them or on the media’s summary of them. When you do, you come to realize how often what Obama says is morally and intellectually…
Paradoxes of the “Gray Zone”
Gray, it seems, is the new black. The concept of “gray zone” conflict has generated significant attention and controversy recently, within both the U.S. government and the broader strategic studies community. Some analysts have identified gray zone conflict as a new phenomenon that will increasingly characterize, and challenge, the international system in the years…
Gun Control and Rape: The Ultimate Partners in Crime
In a recent article in Ammo-Land, Don McDougall presents a case to back-up a recent comment made by GOP Presidential Hopeful Ted Cruz stating that the increased number of Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Australia was a direct result of their National Gun Confiscation program. To further back up this point, all one has to…
Chinese Military Revamps Cyber and Intelligence Capabilities
This story reminds me of Paul Newman’s famous line in the scene from Cool Hand Luke where the “Road Boss” with the Mirror sun glasses Shoots a bird flying with a rifle with one shot: “That man don’t say much, but I think he just said something right there….” The Chinese are continuously making statements…
Trolling is the NEW Politics
By Daniel Greenfield Your classic troll was an amoral sociopath or played one on the internet. His only cause was his own amusement. He advocated horrible and contradictory causes because it amused him to infuriate people. If he could get an entire group howling for his blood, he won. If an outraged media reported on…
Palestinians: Western Media’s Ignorance and Bias
I personally think it is important to call liberal media on the crap they try to pass over as news, when it regards the State of Israel. Obama and all his cronies may have turned their back on Israel, by helping Iran (Through Hezbollah and Hamas) continue to wage it’s Proxy War against Israel, but…
Killing Anwar: Targeting Jihadi Propagandist is Only Part of the Solution
Like dozens of others, the husband and wife team who shot up a San Bernardino community center were inspired by U.S. born al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in Yemen by a drone strike in September 2011. The San Bernardino shooting should serve as a reminder that killing propagandists can be an important tactical…