Mass Fakery. Beware. Two professional Press photographers have been out and about taking pictures from two different perspectives. The results prove mainstream media, including television, manipulates public opinion by camera deception. via HOW MEDIA FAKES PICTURES — THE ETHNIC-EUROPEAN
Category: Propaganda Alert
Southern Poverty Law Center Rolling in Millions Held in Offshore Bank Accounts
Well, whatta you know, the same “Non-Profit” organization that called White Supremacist and Christian groups a bigger threat than jihadist has half a BILLION in offshore accounts. Now who is the real criminal here? As per usual, hypocrisy and corruption rules the day for those who point fingers and take the moral high ground. “If…
From Over The Transom
When I saw the signs I immediately thought about the movie 1984….it’s so surreal how the landscape is becoming more and more dystopian as time goes by.
CDC Instructs Hospitals How To Blame More Deaths On COVID-19 Even Without Proof Or Testing
“Fear is the Mind Killer” -Frank Herbert from the novel Dune.
In historic first, US designates Russian white supremacist group as ‘global terrorists’
***PROPAGANDA ALERT*** The level of stupidity here is MASSIVE folks. Yeah, these guys compared to ISIS look like a Global Threat, Huh? Just one more attempt by the US Govt to brainwash you into thinking that quote “White Supremacist” groups and not goat humping, sister raping jihadist are the real Global Terrorist threat (and SCOURGE)…
Chinese City Bans Eating Cats And Dogs To Convince The West That Chinese Are Actually ‘Human’
You are a day late and a dollar short China. No amount of PR wizardry can suppress the truth you people have and will always be disgusting barbarians.
Trojan horse tears
More on the islamic invasion of Western Europe via Greece. Historically we have seen the use of Propaganda and Fake News as a staple of Jihad by Migration tactics. Same Bullshit, Different Day.
Texas: University Caught Using Robocall Scammers to Conduct Fake News Red Flag Poll
This does not surprise me in the least. Austin and the Leftist University of Texas have been a blight upon the great State of Texas for decades. Be Smart Folks. Believe Nothing you hear and only Half of what you See Until Verified. The uber left-wing University of Texas gleefully reported on a survey they…
It’s not time to panic about the Coronavirus
My advice remains the same: Keep your Powder Dry and your nose in the wind. Don’t buy into fake news hysteria. Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Exponential Worst. The recent outbreak seems to have started in late December of last year, and has accelerated to the point now where confirmed cases have…
FBI Arrests 3 Men Linked to Violent White Supremacist Group Ahead of Pro-Gun Rally
If you have been paying attention, the media started running with this ridiculous narrative when it began comparing the upcoming Virginia 2A Rally to Charlottesville about a month ago. Don’t Believe the Hype Folks.