THERE ARE NO GUARDRAILS ON THE LEFT A short, practical essay on the current condition and future of America by author Matt Bracken. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Propaganda Alert
Should woke ‘journalists’ face death penalty for incitement to murder?
Anti-White propaganda contributed to the beating death of 3-year old Victoria Smith. The propagandists need to be brought to justice. should woke ‘journalists’ face death penalty for incitement to murder? — Open Air Insane Asylum
Know Your History: The Teutonic Terrorist Panic of 1917
The Teutonic Terrorist Panic of 1917 History is a circle not a straight line. The “domestic terrorist” ploy has been used by every tyrant from Wilson to Lincoln. Learn from it and Adapt Accordingly.
MLK: Communist Revolutionary, Plagiarizer, Degenerate
Know your History.
‘Q-Anon’ & ‘Operation Trust’
‘Q-Anon’ Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As ‘Operation Trust’ Time is not a straight line but a circle and eventually it all comes around again. Because with Commies there is nothing new under the sun. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Defining the “Class Enemy”
In Anne Applebaum’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Gulag she describes Lenin’s early mindset and plan regarding how criminals would be punished in the newly birthed Soviet Union. Lenin believed that the TRUE criminal was not the thief or the murderer, whom he believed could be potential allies with the State since the CAUSE of the…
Media Collusion
The Psy-Op is MASSIVE folks. REFUSE to buy in.
Some Civil War History You Were Not Taught in School
Lincoln’s Kind of “Soldier” The American History You’re Not Supposed to Know I have been a huge fan of Mr. DiLorenzo’s work ever since I read The Real Lincoln over a decade ago. I urge all of you to dive into all of Mr. DiLorenzo’s books and articles and get a fresh,…
Black Lives Matter Declares WAR on Police and is Militarizing in ARMED Black Panther Style Patrols
Straight out of BHO’s mentor, Saul Alinsky and his Playbook: Rules for Radicals.
Ahmaud Arbery Jogger Narrative Falls Apart In Three Days
Three Days? Only took me about 10 minutes to see thru this bullshit. It’s an election year! RACE HOAXES are the lib-turds Modus Operandi. While just the other day catchy headlines like “Modern Day Lynching” were being thrown around, remember?