I said this some time back and I will keep saying it: MAKING MILITARY FORCES DEPENDENT ON TECHNOLOGY IS STUPID. Basic Courses on Navigation WITHOUT the use of GPS AIDS should still be taught. Compass and Map Skills should not be an archaic skill-set!! This goes for Civilians as well. GPS Units are great but…
Category: Prepping
Real Training = Painful, Dangerous and Uncomfortable
By John Farnam This from a friend in Europe who just finished a week-long Pistol/Rifle Course in the high country. Good information: “I used a Colt AR (equipped with Aimpoint M4), and a G19. Orders were: low profile, no ‘camo,’ clothing, nor equipment. No chest rigs. Much concern here about ‘para-military’ training! We were located…
Tradecraft: Escape and Evade Danger
A Special Forces veteran explains what you need to know to successfully evade and avoid Danger If you run scared, you’re going to die. This is the rule of thumb when it comes to evasion, and there’s a reason for it. If you’re confronted with a threat you can’t overcome, you should escape it….
Matthew Bracken Talks SHTF and Dirty Civil War
MATTHEW BRACKEN is a former Navy SEAL (BUD/S Class 105), a Constitutionalist, and a self-described “freedomista”. This interview was first published in the Fall 2014 issue of Forward Observer. You might think that the most courageous thing Matt Bracken’s ever done is taking a SEAL team to Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, the same year of…
Practical Skill-Sets: Could you Land a 737?
With the state of air travel today, I think it pays to be ready for every eventuality, however small. -SF Read the Original Article at Quora
What is the Best Method of Rebellion Against Tyranny?
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Alt-Market.com I have heard it often said that there is no one right way to accomplish a goal. I agree. However, I would add that while there is no such thing as “one right way” to achieve an objective, this does not mean there…
5 Habits That Will KILL YOU in a Crisis
Everyone has bad habits. I don’t believe there is a human being alive who doesn’t. In everyday life, most of these aren’t a big deal. So you forget to put your shoes away, no one is going to die from that. You’re not a bad person if you have a weakness for chocolate. Survival…
Israel’s Electric Grid Hit by “Severe” Cyber-Attack
It has been known for some time the likelihood of America’s Power Grid getting hit with a Cyber-Attack by any one of our enemies is VERY HIGH. With Israel now getting hit, I would say the likelihood of an attack on the U.S. is almost CERTAIN. Are you prepared to live “off the grid”? For…
The Best 110 DIY Tips Ever from Popular Mechanics
Know Your Stuff: The 110 Best DIY Tips Ever from Popular Mechanics For Popular Mechanics‘ 110th anniversary, we decided to do something special: We dived into our archives to find the 110 best, handiest, and most helpful tips ever printed in PM. It’s more than a century of DIY wisdom. (You can read the introduction…
Crusader Corner: Islam in America 2015, Part 1: January thru March
Here is an outstanding 4 Part Series compiled by the good folks at the Gatestone Institute of not only every terrorist incident in the United States in 2015, but also the much less reported or the altogether ignored incidents of OVERT islamic influence in our society. As you will see, the parasitic islamic methodology is…