UK Police Continue to Propel Pro-Stabbing Aliens in War Against Against Native Population (Anti-Stabbers)
Category: Police Watch
The ATF Has Resumed Openly Murdering Americans
The ATF Has Resumed Openly Murdering Americans Many people who know anything about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE, or ATF for short) will know they started off as a “harmless” tax collecting agency that eventually turned into a law enforcement agency in its own right. In other words, they evolved from…
The Surveillance State: New York Launches Digital IDs
New York Launches Digital IDs Most folks think the New World Order’s nefarious schemes will be accomplished by trickery and lies, but in reality the opposite is true. A large majority of the global population will gladly and willingly accept their “digital shackles.” Why you ask? Simply put: CONVENIENCE. Never mind what you are…
FUSA Bulletin: California City Replaces Traffic Lights with Stop Signs as Homeless People Steal Copper Wires
City replaces traffic lights with stop signs as homeless people steal copper wires FUSA is at the precipice of outright Anarchy. Crime in most all of your major California cities goes unchecked and instead of fighting it, which most departments have neither the manpower or the willpower to do, the city simply gives in…
Evil White Guy Twofer
I Vote Therefore I Am Give a good read to both links provided. The FIX is in so Prepare Accordingly. NATO Is An STD But even more destructive is the fact that NATO teams up with an army of neo-Marxist and Cultural Marxist nonprofits to promote values antithetical to those found in…
The Nationalization and ‘Israelification’ of US Police
The Nationalization and ‘Israelification’ of US Police All the playas are on board, including Donald Trump. He said during a post-convention interview with The New York Times, “We’re going to federalize every police department in this country.” There is now a big push to identify and detain illegals, possibly in sweep operations. Watch for efforts to include biometric…
More on the Haitian Gangs
So in 2021 the Gubmint paid out $1.4 Million for 34 Toyota Land Cruisers to a Company called Bering Global Solutions, LLC for the purpose of equipping the Haitian National Police. Fast forward to 2024 and Haiti is a Failed State with cannibalistic armed gangs “requisitioning” all Law Enforcement equipment and arms, ala’ that…
The Real Tragedy of Uvalde is Cowardice
Uvalde Shooting: Report Absolves Police, Blames Families Definition of Cowardice: 77 minutes of Standing Around doing nothing.
The Average Civilian Pistol Permit Holder is Better with Their Weapons than Most Cops
The Average Civilian Pistol Permit Holder is Better with Their Weapons than Most Cops New York State, with its liberal politics and highly restrictive gun laws, might be the last place you’d expect to have a sheriff who actively encourages private citizens to get trained, licensed, and armed in order to help counter the nation-wide…
FUSA Bulletin: Nobody is Coming to Save You
Pittsburgh Police End Responding to Certain Emergency Calls The city of Pittsburgh says it will no longer respond to 911 calls that are not related to “in progress emergencies” starting this week. According to a press release titled “Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Makes Operational Changes to Better Serve Pittsburgh,” the city will create a “Telephone Reporting…