I have been chewing on this matter for a very long time.
Before Marvin Heemayer or Cliven Bundy or LaVoy Finicum. Before Ashli Babbitt. Before Kyle Rittenhouse or Travis and Greg McMichael and William Bryan. Before Jake Gardner. Hell, even before George Zimmerman and the Trayvon Martin Case way back in 2012.
As an amateur historian I can tell you plainly that like it or not, vigilantism has always had a valid place in American society.
This can be seen most readily in the 19th century Old West when the “law” was understood not to be wholly encompassed in an elected official wearing a tin star that was often times bought and paid for by the wealthiest man in the region (some things never change).
No, every facet of the law, from cop to judge to executioner, was firmly seated in the Citizen’s judgement of right and wrong. This is why “Regulators” or “Special Constables” were used throughout the West. There simply was no time for bureaucracy and political two-stepping in those days. Work and industry had priority and criminals and miscreants who got in the way of that had to be done away with quickly.
Part of this legal philosophy was due to the fact that it was understood that in being ARMED, YOU, the CTITZEN were responsible for your OWN SAFETY and well-being! This idea that Law Enforcement is there to “PROTECT” you is purely a late-20th century invention, nurtured by purple haired, bathroom confused, spineless cucked white guilt liberals who labelled the very sigma traits like self-sufficiency and rugged individualism that helped build this country as “toxic” and “destructive.”
I firmly believe that being a citizen of a nation that is currently unmoored and crumbling under the weight of liberal white-guilt politicians on both sides of the aisle implementing globalist-marxist dogma that Vigilantism will EVENTUALLY become a citizens only respite and safeguard to true Liberty and Justice for some.
As Henry Ward Beecher penned in 1887:
“Liberty is a soul’s right to breathe and when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girdled too tight.”
But what about when the so-called “Law” is corrupt and immoral and the people assigned to enforce those laws are also either corrupt or non-existent because their departments were dissolved to combat so-called “systemic racism?”
When put like that it really does sound like the inmates are running the asylum doesn’t it?
What do we do then folks?
Well, once again in the words of those “patriarchal white supremacist” who organized a rebellion, kicked the ass of one of the most powerful nations on earth and within two generations from immigrating from England and Europe, built a flourishing Empire of their own design:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
We have to throw off the shackles of tyranny!
Cut out the Cancer and Discard the bullshit!
Not just because it’s the RIGHT thing to do for ourselves and future generations to come, but because it’s the PRACTICAL thing to do.
Listen, it’s plain that we cannot abide Lawlessness in this country anymore if we expect to survive.
We cannot abide a broken and corrupt Criminal Justice system that because of over-crowded jails and prisons and over-burdened court dockets, releases dangerous felons out onto the street with ludicrously low to zero bail amounts to rampage through Christmas parades and kill innocent white people.
It stopped being about Politics a long time ago and is now down to basic SURVIVAL.
Survival for you and your family and future generations to come.
The Time is Coming when Vigilantism will be the Rule and not the Exception, so be READY when it does.
Prepare and Act Accordingly because it’s not gonna be pretty.
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