Category: Mindset
Pick up Reps Wherever You Find Them
By CR Williams, In Shadow In Light If you ever take one of my classes you are going to hear me use the following example: I have a Glock 19 in my safe that currently is only used for dry practice so it stays unloaded. I live alone and nobody else has a key to…
Random Field Notes #1 (off-hand musings of a wanna-be writer)
Movement. You need it to survive in a gunfight. And not just in the conventional way you may think. Logic dictates Things that move are that much harder to hit than things that are stationary. Consider a {security} detail stationed in a hostile country/environment. When they are anywhere exposed in an area that may present…
Verbal Commands and Discretionary Shooting: A Good Pair
Before I begin, let me first say that there has been much said on the topic of the importance of Verbal Commands during a Self-Defense scenario by trainers and authors far more talented than myself. For those of you that like a visual (and audio) aid, try Southnarcs PUC DVD. For those of you that…
The Waco Biker Shootout: a Study in Common Sense
One of my training goal’s for 2015 was to develop a practical, no-nonsense training course for armed civilians involving “Active Shooter” scenarios. Most of the “scripts’ I have laid out for this course are very basic: A man and his family out and about somewhere, like a restaurant or a Mall, and then BOOM!…
Lessons from a legend….
It Pays to Stay Alert and Armed….
When I saw this story, it reminded me why I always tell all you guys to ALWAYS STAY ALERT AND STAY ARMED!
Awareness and Aggression Rule the Day!
As you watch this video there are a dozen things in hindsight we could cover, but there are just 3 things I want to talk about in this one. First: If you are walking home from school or wherever and you become aware somebody is following or stalking you, your first instinct may be to…
“FIGHT” not “GUN” is the Key Word in “GUNFIGHT”
“If you can’t stop the average dude from raping you in the shower, the last thing you need is a Carbine Class.” (Southnarc) In Civilian self-defense training courses you often have certain trainers that require a “pre-requisite or “pre-req”” of certain courses before you take a certain class. For example, before you take an ADVANCED…
How is your “Articulation” Skill-Set?
Most CO’s who have been training a while understand there are basically two different types of skill-sets one can drill on. The most obvious of course are the “Physical” skill-set’s (empty hand fighting, knife, stick, firearms) and the other are the more ambiguous and consequently less understood “Non-Physical” or “Mental” skill-sets. Being familiar with…