Via: The Tactical Wire Situational Pistolcraft sit·u·a·tion – siCHəˈwāSHən.: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. The location and surroundings of a place. Drawing, shooting and reloading fast are nice skills to have, but I feel it is safe to say they seldom win fights. Having them does…
Category: Mindset
White Genocide: The “Random” Stabbing Murder Of A White Three-Year-Old By She-Boon
The “Random” Stabbing Murder Of A White Three-Year-Old By A Black Woman Sweet little Julian Wood was a cute little red-headed firecracker who had his life snuffed out by this obese purple gum she-boon NIGGER for no other reason than HATE AND SPITE. I don’t know about you, but I am getting sick and…
Small Unit Tactics 101: Assessing the Effects of Fires
Assessing the Effects of Fires Anyone who has ever done any sort of small-unit tactics training can remember “covering” a buddy while they move. This is good to learn, but there can be a bit of misunderstanding as to what actually constitutes “covering fire” or “suppression”. Just because you are putting rounds downrange does not necessarily mean…
The Nationalization and ‘Israelification’ of US Police
The Nationalization and ‘Israelification’ of US Police All the playas are on board, including Donald Trump. He said during a post-convention interview with The New York Times, “We’re going to federalize every police department in this country.” There is now a big push to identify and detain illegals, possibly in sweep operations. Watch for efforts to include biometric…
Escaping Restraints
3 Ways to Escape Zip Ties: An Illustrated Guide As Greg states over at Active Response Training, with home invasions, kidnappings and abductions on the rise it is never a waste of time for the martial citizen to study how to escape common restraints like zip ties and handcuffs, but the PRIMARY GOAL should…
The Days That Communities Fought Back Against Evil
The Days That Communities Fought Back Against Evil There’s no shortage of stories about crime and criminals on the nightly news, these days. It seems we’re currently trapped in a cycle of violent criminal activity, with the bad guys holding communities all over our nation, hostage. We’ve seen this problem before in America, especially…
War in the Shadows: The Unconventional Warfare Shaping America’s Future
H/T WRSA War in the Shadows: The Unconventional Warfare Shaping America’s Future Great read on 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare). My only caveat would be to understand that 4GW is used by not only foreign powers (both state and non-state actors) but also by our own Globalist and Godless Government against their own citizenry…
Via: DTI “The American Revolution was conceived in churches and taverns. I think I’ll spend more time in both!” -Anon Just happened yesterday in TX Two men were unloading firewood from a truck in front of a Fort Worth, TX home. One was the homeowner, and the other was the delivery…
It’s Better to Shut Off the Computer
It’s Better to Shut Off the Computer I’ll let you in on a little secret. A knife has never been my go to choice for self-protection. I train with them. I instruct in the use of them. Hell, I’ve designed them. It was my dislike of the knife that drew me to better understand it….