A War Hero’s Advice: CSM (Ret.) Don Purdy Excellent advice from a legend. I love one of the last lines: “Police your ranks of the self servers”. Consider that to be the most important thing you will hear all day, especially in today’s society of parasites. Enjoy! Don Purdy Rules to LIVE BY: …
Category: Military Manuals
Small Unit Tactics: RECCE Patrolling
Recce Patrolling I: The Recce Team This is the first installment in a series of OUTSTANDING articles on Recon Basics (Reconnaissance) from from Justin over at Swift Silent Deadly. Small Unit Tactics is a subject every serious Armed Citizen needs to study and TRAIN on in-depth. I highly recommend you seek out my friend…
The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender
You can download the above manual at John Spencer’s Website. Highly recommend you bookmark this site as well, LOTS of good stuff there! I also Highly Recommend you read all of John Spencer’s Urban Warfare Case Studies over at Modern War Institute Via WRSA: You will see this material again. The only real question…
Liberated Manuals.com — Free Military Manuals
Liberated Manuals.com — Free Military Manuals I would highly recommend investing in a few thumb drives and taking some time and downloading the manuals you would like to have for reference and maybe even printing out a few. Don’t depend on the “inter-web” always being there for you. “Dark” days are ahead of us…
AP Land Navigation Basics Twofer
Land Nav Basics This is something EVERYBODY should know. Teach Your Kids and your Wife! DO NOT depend on that Garmin GPS unit! One EMP Blast and we are back in the stone age.
TCCC Twofer: Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep
Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep Make no mistake, one of the biggest area’s of training that martial civilians neglect is TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care.) Part 2 of this Excellent series can be found HERE. Train Hard. Train Realistically and Prepare Accordingly.
Common Tasks Testing (CTT), The Army’s “Everybody” Requirement
Common Tasks Testing (CTT), The Army’s “Everybody” Requirement I know this is Army Doctrine (May God Forgive Me) but at the end of the day if it helps you PREPARE Better, who cares, right? ☺️ Prepare Accordingly.
OACOK* For Home Defense Terrain Analysis
OACOK* For Home Defense Terrain Analysis Refresh your brain on OAKOC. Highly recommend you have a flash drive for such material and keep it in your Go-Bag
Tactics 101: Infiltration in History and Practice
TACTICS 101 – INFILTRATON IN HISTORY AND PRACTICE Excellent Reference Material here. I would highly recommend that you purchase NC Scout’s excellent Field Manuals. Time is short. Stop Flapping your Gums and get to TRAINING! I can promise you the Enemy is.
French Foreign Legion Navigation Hack
FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION NAVIGATION HACK Nifty trick when you find yourself lost in the woods.