SPYCRAFT 101: The Green Beret Defector with Greg Walker Anytime my friend NC Scout recommends something, I listen. This podcast is chocked full of great information regarding insurgency and counter-insurgency warfare. Listen up and Prepare Accordingly.
Category: Military History
Know Your WW2 History: Latvia 1940-41/ Witness the Real Horrors of Jewish Communism
Latvia: Year of Jewish Instigated Horror You won’t find this one in your ZOG approved US Board of Education WW2 History Books, that is for sure. Next time you see one of these dickless purple haired ANTIFA beta’s with a hammer and sickle flag, refer back to this article. You can download a free…
Havana Syndrome — What Are the Frequencies Used by US Intel for Microwave Spying? [UPDATE : Snowden doc reveals joint NSA/GCHQ project and corroborates Intel Today’s Analysis]
Some really nasty shit. Study Up! This is 4th and 5GW 101.
Yugoslavia Shows How Diversity Kills Civilizations
Yugoslavia Shows How Diversity Kills Civilizations Know Your History. Multicultualism and Diversity in the end is always a NATION KILLER.
The Malayan Emergency, and what it can teach us about today’s American Emergency
H/T WRSA The Malayan Emergency, and what it can Teach us about today’s American Emergency A large part of current U.S. COIN doctrine (Counter-Insurgency) that was re-vamped and rolled out around 2006 to ground pounders in Iraq and A-Stan is based upon the lessons learned by the British during the Malayan Emergency. Think Tankers…
Victorious Counterrevolution In Spain
H/T WRSA The Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish Civil War As most of you know I am all about learning from History and this podcast is worth a listen (or read as it is fully transcribed). Learn from those who BEAT the Commies!
My Little Armalite
My Little Armalite There is no secret. The invaders get it. Antifa gets it. BLM gets it. They are true believers in their communist cause. The only people who don’t get it are heritage Americans whose pride gets in the way of the truth. You are losing because you are fat, content, comfortable, and…
The losses at Cannae and Teutoburg forest, which was worse for Rome?
Originally posted on Praetorian History: Roman legions are well renowned today as some of the most premier fighting forces in all of history. The discipline that it takes to fight as such a cohesive unit was unparallel during the supremacy of ancient Rome. What will strike most historians as they look back over the history… The…
An Example of Subtle Homefront Marxist Propaganda
H/T American Partisan While China Prepares for War: Their Marxist Proxies here in the U.S. Military make sure plenty of “Cooperative” Historical Propaganda is printed. (Take Note this story was in the Military Times, not The Atlantic or WSJ!) World War II US veterans recall flying aid to China Keep your eyes…
Know Your Obscure WW1 History: German Zeppelins Made from Cow Intestines?
German Zeppelins Were Made with Cow Intestines And It Led To Sausage Restrictions During WWI Here’s an Obscure Fact you can use sometime when Discussing World War One!