Lincoln’s Kind of “Soldier” The American History You’re Not Supposed to Know I have been a huge fan of Mr. DiLorenzo’s work ever since I read The Real Lincoln over a decade ago. I urge all of you to dive into all of Mr. DiLorenzo’s books and articles and get a fresh,…
Category: Military History Books Worth A Damn
Luftwaffe in Africa Book Review
Military History: Legend of the Old Corps – Gustav Hasford and the Snuffies
Legends of the Old Corps – Gustav Hasford and the “Snuffies” Fascinating story for all you fellow military history book worms like me. Stay Frosty.
Rendezvous with Death Book Review
Appreciate the Review Jeff. Always enjoyed reading obscure History like this. 👍
Military History Book’s to Read for 2019
Got a lot of catching up to do, but here are some that are on Tap for Summer/Fall. Rick Atkinson who authored The Liberation Trilogy, quite possibly one of the finest WWII Trilogies ever written, has authored another Trilogy, this one on the Revolutionary War. The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington…
Tales from the Battlefield: Fire and Blades
It Happened To Me – Fire and Blades I don’t own a lot of books about the Iraq War save about half a dozen that are all written by Military personnel (mostly Marines). The rest are garbage written by spineless biased leftist journalist. House to House is one you need to read to understand…
Military History Books Worth A Damn: Desert Sniper by Ed Nash
Read the Original Article HERE Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Why So Many Western Covert Operations Have Failed Since World War II
Shots in the Dark – Why So Many Western Covert Operations Have Failed Since WW2 A Great read both from a historical point of view and practical, Civilian Operator POV on the RELEVANCE of Guerilla Warfare in the 21st Century. You have to Understand the Lessons of History in order not to repeat the…
Military History: How The Ghost of Tradition Inspired Ancient Military Might
Podcast #231: How the Ghosts of Tradition Inspired Ancient Military Might (click on the link above to be re-directed to source page and podcast) I have this very book in my “To Read” List so when I saw the author on this podcast I jumped. It is just under an hour, but well worth…
Military History Book’s Worth A Damn: Pumpkinflowers
Matti Friedman, Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story (Algonquin Books, 2016). Iraq veterans finally have their book; a manuscript that really deals with the whole of the Iraq experience. After over a decade at war in Iraq, we now have the best first-person account, not only of fighting against the insurgency, but also what it felt like to come…