If America stays on it’s “Multi-Cultural”, “Islam is not the root of the problem“course, and a Socialist renews his/her lease on the White House, Canada is how the United States will end up . And we all know how people who are Nice to “Refugees” end up, right? How About Raped and Murdered.-SF Canada…
Category: Islam Invasion
Crusader Corner: Al Jazeera Admits Editing Interview to Exclude Criticism of Muhammed
This video goes a long way in proving many things, the biggest two being: If you are a Christian who has decided to stand up to this onslaught of murderous, barbarians called muslims and islam you should KNOW the bible inside and out and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, because the ENEMY will…
Dose of Truth: ISIS Fighters Entering Germany as Refugees
Not a new revelation for those of us that have seen through this “refugee” bullshit. Understand these three words: JIHAD BY MIGRATION. That is ISIS’ strategy and that is their current plan to sack and conquer Europe. Too bad most all of Europe have decided to ignore this fact. Too bad A lot MORE innocent people…
Crusader Corner: “Humanitarian Aid” a Cover for Terrorism (And everybody said: No Sh#$ Sherlock!)
By the Time Europeans (and Americans) accept the OBVIOUS fact that they are all getting played by these jihadis when it comes to “refugees” and “humanitarian aid” another terrible Paris style attack or worse yet another 9/11 type-attack involving commercial airliners will have taken place. Let’s all get our collective head out of our ass,…
Crusader Corner: Islam, the Religion of Raping Not only Women, but also Young Boys
If you believe what our President says about Islam, you would think that this EPIDEMIC of Rape occurring in Europe and the rest of the world are just the “random” acts of a “few criminals”. An Epidemic is not random folks. It is obviously the standard operating procedure of islam. And if the RAPE of…
Jihad Alert: The Laptop Bomber?
These damn goat humping, pederast, raping jihadist..I am getting sick and tired of them ruining everything associated with air travel. First because of the underwear bomber it was all these restrictions on liquids. And now because of this screw-up who can’t even detonate a bomb right it will be no laptops!? WTF!! Enough is Enough….
Defeating Al-Qaeda’s Nodes
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State thrive in lawless and ungoverned spaces where there is no rule of law to keep them in check. Al Qaeda’s home base in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) is the epitome of such a place, but the tide there has been turning against them over the last decade,…
Time for Uber Super Bowl Surveillance
SUPER BOWL 50 will be big in every way. A hundred million people will watch the game on TV. Over the next ten days, 1 million people are expected to descend on the San Francisco Bay Area for the festivities. And, according to the FBI, 60 federal, state, and local agencies are working together to…
Dose of Truth: Oh Wow, What a Surprise, Obama Will Stand for allah but Not Jesus?
This is not a shocker, but just one more example of BHO’s true intentions and the condition of his sickly heart. -SF Obama had Georgetown U cover “JESUS” but didn’t have Baltimore mosque cover “ALLAH” It was three and a half years ago: Obama asked Georgetown University to cover over IHS, which is an…
Obama, Islam and History
It is EXTREMELY important that we, as Patriotic, Freedom Loving Americans, know our Constitutional History inside and out; because when corrupt and immoral people, like BHO, try to manipulate, misquote and basically re-interpret it, we can call him out on it and if we are lucky, PROSECUTE them for TREASON. Don’t be fooled folks, TYRANTS,…