I have a few I wanted to include but this being a PG-13 site at worst,  I think I will omit them for now. 🙂 -SF Leave these old routines on the battlefield where they belong. War sucks. But as soldiers, we adapt. We develop habits that increase our chances of survival and make the…
Category: Humor
Humor: And you thought you’re Mother-in-law Was Crazy? Check this Dog Out
Humor: Exploding Guns and Terrorist
I was going to put something witty here, but I think this speaks for itself.
Humor: Mission Accomplished
Humor: 5 EPIC Military Leadership Fails of This Decade
I debated seriously about whether or not to put this under the “Humor” section, but I came to the conclusion if we don’t laugh about it we will cry. Prepare to Laugh really hard and then shake your head in unbelief. This is why or Military can’t have Nice Things! -SF The last six years…
Humor: ISIS Blames Suicide Bomber Life Insurance for Financial Woes
I almost peed myself on this one. Hilarious. -SF AL-RAQQAH, Syria — The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) today announced serious financial difficulties for the so-called caliphate. A spokesman for the apocalyptic death worshippers cited crippling costs associated with the Suicide Bomber Group Life Insurance (SBGLI) program. “In retrospect, fifteen goats was probably too generous a…
Humor: Suicidal Deer
For those of you that live in Rural Texas or in rural areas in other parts of the Country, you know how Deer can be near Roads…here is some humor for you this morning.
Humor: New DOD Regulations Confirm that OPSEC Does Not Apply to Everyone
I always get a kick out of the Duffel Blog. This is what Everybody is thinking and this is what should be printed versus the spin and outright lies. -SF THE PENTAGON — The Department of Defense is set to release new security rules later this week, making it clear that consequences for violations don’t apply…
Humor: Brave DC Guardsman Run Toward the Sounds of Snowflakes
With Winter Storm Jonas ripping the Deep South and the Eastern Seaboard a new butthole, I thought this piece from Duffel Blog would lighten things up a bit. Stay Safe, Stay off the Roads if you can and Stay Warm out there! -SF WASHINGTON — D.C. National Guard 1st Lt. Patrick Hoover has taken a…
It’s been a Bit Serious Around Here this past week, Â and if there is one thing I learned over the years, you gotta keep your sense of humor if you are gonna survive..so have a laugh on me.-SF This one I call “BABY GARGAMEL”