Category: Humor
I’ve Got an Ideal for this Next Wave of COVID… 😂😂😂
I am gonna go find this Dr. Nicholas Van Helsing, Professor of Proctology and other related tendencies, Graduate of University of Rangoon and Assorted Night Classes at the Knoxville College of Faith Healing. If memory serves me right, he works cheap and can cure damn near anything…
Half The Country Right Now
Substitute the Beer with Folgers and ditch those crappy plastic AK Mags and this is an accurate picture of TTH. 👍
Morning Laugh
If Biden get’s elected instead of MAGA caps, we will need to distribute these caps in all 50 States H/T EatGruelDog
The sound of snowflakes melting
I Love the Sound of Snowflakes Melting in the Morning… It Sounds Like VICTORY.
Dog Days …
Morning Laugh
If you are one of those People who let their children visit Stranger’s homes at night to ask for Candy, Be Safe Out There…
H/T to Madd Medic
For sure
Morning Laugh.
Morning Laugh
Morning Spew…