How were people so effortlessly thin in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s? Really eye opening article. Bottom Line: The 1980’s is when everything went to SHIT.
Category: Health and Fitness
Box Breathing: A Tactical Breathing Technique To Stop Stress
Box Breathing: A Tactical Breathing Technique To Stop Stress Breathing is one of the most basic but neglected things people can do to not only reduce stress but also improve your martial and firearm skills! For those interested, I highly recommend you look into the Russian Martial Art of Systema and a book called…
H/T WRSA Culturecide: It’s About Stopping People from Reproducing Recap: Feminism Experimental mRNA injections Infertility Trans-Scam Over-Regulation of Children Abortion Assisted Suicide Abundance of Free Pornography Pets
Stop Listening to Joe Rogan Kids, Smoking Weed is NOT Cool
San Diego ER seeing up to 37 marijuana cases a day — mostly psychosis “We’re now counting 37 cannabis-related diagnoses a day,” Dr. Roneet Lev, an addiction medicine doctor at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, said about her emergency department. “It’s been steadily increasing over the years. When I started in the 1990s,…
Fitness and Shooting: The Secrets You Don’t Know
FITNESS & SHOOTING: THE SECRETS YOU DON’T KNOW A much needed reminder about how physical and cardiovascular fitness effects our fine and gross motor skills. Get After It and Train!
Mindset Minute: Always Find the Good and Never Give Up
Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult
Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult For those of you old enough to remember the 1970’s, The Violent Marxist Far-Left is back and being fully supported by the U.S. Government. Mental Illness and Confusion always seems to go hand in hand with…
Combat Strength Training
For all you ‘Seasoned” Warriors out there with your fair share of lumps and bruises like me, some version of this program can have dramatic effects on your Combat Readiness! Find what Works for You and Work It Consistently!
Food Shortage – By Design
Food Shortage – By Design How many US Presidents in modern history have announced ‘food shortages’ before they occurred? The answer is only President Biden. What about all these Food Processing Plants Blowing Up or Catching Fire? Put the puzzle pieces together and Prepare Accordingly because the same bastards you think are going…
Veteran News: Biden Says Forget The Vets, Send VA Docs To The Border To Care For Illegals.
Let’sGoBrandon: Forget The Vets, Send VA Docs To The Border To Care For Illegals. I was wondering why my Local VA told me there was a three month wait to see my VA Doctor and I was approved to use CHOICE Community Care (CHOICE is where I can go see any Local Dr. in…