I am sure if they looked into it hard enough that the Mafia in New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago did or are doing the same thing! -SF When doctors in rural Italy began to see a surge in cancer cases, they were baffled. Then they made the link with industrial waste being dumped…
Category: Health and Fitness
Armed Citizen Corner: Time to Shape Up!
This is great advice because all of us get lazy and complacent, it is just human nature. Something that is not said OFTEN ENOUGH in Firearms Training Circles is this: HAVING A GUN IS NOT ENOUGH! What good is it that you can shoot the lights out but can’t go 15 seconds in a fight…
Health Warnings: Tens of Thousands of Cans of Bumble Bee Tuna Recalled Due to Bacteria
As recently as last year, we reported on the Bumblebee Tuna factory worker who was killed when he became trapped and cooked to death along with 12,000 pounds of tuna. KTLA has reported that possible food-spoilage is thought to be the culprit behind this new massive scandal for the company: The San-Diego based company initiated…
Military History: Beating the “Bloody Flux” and How Sir John Pringle Waged War on Dysentery
“Sanitation standards in the 18th Century were almost non-existent. Soldiers were in the habit of relieving themselves wherever they wished, including outside their own tents, turning encampments into mucky breeding grounds for dysentery.” 18TH CENTURY MILITARY camps were hotbeds for communicable diseases. Often, more soldiers on campaign died from illness than were ever felled in battle. Interestingly enough, the…
“It’s in the Water”
As a person who has been prepping seriously for about 15 years I can tell you Water is probably one of the most overlooked and under-prepared for items in a household. So many folks stock up on ways to DISINFECT their water but not on actually storing the DRINKING water itself. This article recommends stocking…
Health and Fitness: Control What You Can Control and Enjoy the Benefits
This article was a breath of fresh air for me. I think it will be to some of you out there too. It goes a long way (at least for me) in helping to dispel the Uber popular paradigm of “Being Overweight = ALWAYS Being Unhealthy”. These two sentences summed it up for me: “When…