Category: Globo Homo
Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor
Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor (H/T to Lenny Ladner) Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let…
Dystopianism Becoming Painfully Accurate
Big Picture
H/T WRSA Original Post
Twofer from Dissident Thoughts (aka Arthur Sido)
In The End, The Good Guys Win It is pretty easy to get black-pilled being a dissident. It isn’t like you have to search high and low for bad news and ominous portents of civilizational collapse and racial genocide. You have to almost actively avoid seeing the news or be continually marinating your brain in…
Morning Laugh
H/T Kiwi Old school Irish comic Dave Allen tells a joke about how Homosexuality can gradually seep into a society and eventually be accepted as “normal” and “compulsory”. Like all of Allen’s work it is not only funny, but partially prophetic and thought provoking as well. Just consider for a moment how…
Western Culture on a Path to Racial Extinction
H/T Varjager’s Weblog
The Wicked Witch is Gone! Jacinda Ardern resigns as NZ Prime Minister
H/T Kiwi Jacinda Ardern resigns as prime minister, Labour to vote on new leader on Sunday Well lift up your glasses folks, The reign of this hair brain liberal globalist crackpot is over. Until the next asshole takes charge that is.
The Clown World Chronicles: Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber at Houston Taco Joint Ordered to Face Grand Jury by Soros-Funded D.A.
Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber at Houston Taco Joint Ordered to Face Grand Jury by Soros-Funded D.A. It has reached the point in FUSA where it is not even shocking that we hear about a Soros subsidized Houston District Attorney (Kim Ogg) who released a hardened criminal back into society on a ridiculous…
Transforming Britain into Brazil
Transforming Britain into Brazil First off it is important to understand the Globalist LIE that Brazil’s diversity is some kind of fairy-tale “Success” Story. The FACTS tell us otherwise. The idea of a collapse because of mass immigration is flawed, though it was popular in our part of the internet for many years….