H/T It Ain’t Holy Water # 8: Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”
Category: Globo Homo
“Nobody is Coming to Save You” is now Official Police Policy
‘We cannot keep you safe’: Law enforcement officials warn about soaring crime rates and severely Understaffed Police Forces Smith told Fox News that there are currently at least 11 cities in the U.S. where law enforcement is severely understaffed, including New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Seattle, St. Louis, Louisville, Austin, San Antonio, Phoenix, and…
Know Your White History: The First Trans-Clinic in the World was Jewish
Scientific American: The First Trans Clinic In The World Yeah the first Tranny Clinic was Jewish and the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDP) in their infinite wisdom Destroyed it with FIRE. Bet you won’t find that in your World History Books kids. Knowledge is Power.
Texas News: TX AG Calls For Prosecution Over Drag Queen’s Sexually Explicit Performance In Front Of Child
TX AG Calls For Prosecution Over Drag Queen’s Sexually Explicit Performance In Front Of Child Thank You Attorney General Paxton for doing the RIGHT thing and echoing what millions of Texans and decent Americans have been saying about this overt gross perversion of our children. Throw these perverts and sodomites in Jail where they…
Her Name Is Lola Daviet
Gruesome Immigrant Crime Stories Like Poor Lola’s In Paris Are Always The Same Never forget that White Genocide via Illegal Immigration and Liberal Immigration Policies is a Global Issue folks and that Children are always the first to suffer. You can read the actual news story HERE.
More National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists
More National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists: Experts Then why is National Security Policy aimed at supposed “White Supremacist” Conservatives? I think you know the answer to that question. Prepare Accordingly.
FUSA Bulletin: “Domestic Violent Extremism” is the new GWOT
H/T WRSA Anybody who has ears to hear knew this was coming. First it was “White Supremacy” that was allegedly the biggest Domestic Threat, then it was MAGA, now suddenly it’s all been combined into one big bad Conservative, Anti-Government boogie man? What everybody thought was idle threats in his last Darth Sidious…
The Wokestapo Strikes Again
FBI Raids Home of Pro-Life Advocate Who Prayed and Sang Outside Abortion Biz I don’t think you can draw a clearer LINE IN THE SAND than this. The Federal Government is off the rails, bat shit crazy. Prepare Accordingly.
Know Your History: Monsters of the Left Series
#1 Che Guevera #2 Fidel Castro #3 Pol Pot #4 Enver Hoxha #5 Vladimir Lenin #6 Joseph Stalin
American Apostate
American Apostate I highly recommend reading Ernst Junger’s Forest Passage to understand the right mindset for how to think and behave in relation to a regime. Here is a free PDF, you have no excuse.