My good friends over at County-Comm have a few products they wanted to show off. Please be Good Patrons and visit their amazing site today. I have been doing business with these guys for a LONG time and the quality of their gear is unsurpassed. Jumbo Parts Tray-Armorer-Non-Slip Honestly, what man who tinkers…
Category: Gear Locker
Civilian Legal Flashbangs
H/T American Partisan My two cents: The cost of these things ($47 each) is ridiculous compared to what you actually get. I think I would rather spend my money on reloading supplies. But, If you think you really need to have something like this you would be better off buying a surplus of…
How Long Does a Ferro Rod Last?
How Long Does a Ferro Rod Last? When was the last time you practiced starting a fire FROM SCRATCH with just a Ferro Rod, striker and some tinder? A good Ferro Rod and Striker, like this one from County-Comm, is worth it’s weight in gold. I also keep a sandwich bag full of dryer…
Creating Technological Parity With The ‘Modern Warfighter’
The last time I was out in Wyoming, K from Combat Studies Group and I had a lot to discuss over some quality Pendleton Rye- everything from the latest in electronic security options to (obviously) communications but we went down a deep rabbit hole on the importance of technological parity for Patriot Partisans; that is,… Creating…
How to Build Your Own PVS-14
Crime Awareness: Car Theft Warning – The Criminal Use of Apple Airtags
CAR THEFT WARNING: THE CRIMINAL USE OF APPLE AIRTAGS As Martial Citizens of the 21st Century, we always need to be familarizing ourselves with new technology and how it can be used. Understanding the criminal use of a device not only helps the martial citizen stay safe and whole but also helps them learn…
How to Prep an EMP-Proof Vehicle
How to prep an EMP-proof vehicle For context as to the reality of the EMP threat, here is a good article from SOFREP about China. Prepare Accordingly.
1 Infantryman’s Survival Kit!
1 Infantryman’s Survival Kit! My recent article on Camp Stoves dovetails nicely with this one. Inventory and Stock your Kits NOW! Prepare Accordingly.
Fall 2021 County-Comm Product Review
The good folks at County-Comm have been burning the midnight oil as of late and have been producing some pretty nifty kit for us Gear Junkies/Preppers and Martial Civilian Folk! DO NOT FORGET: If this is your first purchase, use the Discount Code in the Sidebar Ad for 10% off your first order! Brass…
All Things Tomahawk
Who Needs A Tomahawk? A collection of links involving their history and practical use. I own several flavors of tomahawks, my favorite being a Rifleman’s Hawk. Besides being an exceptional CQ Weapon, they are also an extremely practical piece of kit to have. It’s not surprising that most all of your early mountain men…