This is a helluva deal for a Level III IBA rig. Testudo Gen 2 Level III Bundle
Category: Gear Locker
The Dank Robber Chest Rig – A Master of Minimalism
The Dank Robber Chest Rig — A Master of Minimalism I am a big fan of minimalist rigs. In fact I am a big fan of MINIMALIST in general. No bullshit or fluff, just Utilitarian Practicality. (Love those two words together!) This rig reminds me a lot of the chest rig’s that were used…
County-Comm Summer Gear Review
As many of you know I have been a huge fan of County-Comm for a long time now. Besides offering unique, robust, dependable, practical and affordable prepping and survival gear, they are also just a great bunch of people to do business with. Today I have a few items I wanted to show you…
The Fenris Chest Rig – Moving Beyond Average
THE FENRIS CHEST RIG – MOVING BEYOND AVERAGE I am planning on building a Variation of this Rig for both AR-10 (.308) and AK Mags (7.62×39) and see how it works. Admittedly, this design may only work with the AR-15 mag design and weight, but we will see.
Protecting the Noggin: Ballistic Combat Helmets for the Prepared Civilian
HEADS UP! UPGRADING YOUR PASGT KEVLAR HELMET SUSPENSION SYSTEM With things heating up it’s not a bad ideal to invest in a decent combat/ballistic helmet to protect that dome! Texas based Diamond Age make some excellent ACH modular combat helmets that won’t break the bank. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Till’ Valhall
Pretty Cool Patch from my friends over at Breach Bang Clear Pick Yours Up Today!
Libertas Bella Gun Hoodie Review
With old man winter knocking on all of our doors, Libertas Bella offers some really cool Gun Hoodies to keep you warm! The 2nd Amendment Hoodie (shown below) is a family favorite. It is constructed of a 50/50 lightweight blend that makes it perfect for those chilly, fall days. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!…
Bulgarian Polymer AK Mags Back In Stock At GunMag Warehouse!
Bulgarian steel-lined mags are back in stock! I picked up a bundle of these shortly before they went out of stock at AP affiliate Gunmag Warehouse and I’ve been testing them since then. Long story short, these are a killer bargain for their price, being built on par with the far more expensive Circle 10… Bulgarian…
Going Mobile
From the Archives, 2016 A learned a long time ago that when shit goes bad, it goes bad in a hurry. Very often you will have little to no time to think about what you really need to do, you are just going to have to react. The seasoned prepper knows from experience that there…
Arm Thy Neighbor: The Type 81 Chest Rig
I am a big fan of the Chest Rig. Here are three articles I did on the subject a while back: Constructing a WAR Rig The Mad Max Chest Rig Outfitting Your GO-RIGS If there’s one GIANT takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic, its that a whole lot of people are waking up…