From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…
Category: Gear Locker
Got Body Armor?
Tactical Gun Deal: AR500 Armor Veritas LITE Carrier Package $177.60 Holiday Sale For a little over $300 you can outfit yourself and your spouse with quality Level III body armor. Not bad in this economy. Prepare now or Pay Later. *Ammo Land is not a sponsor and I do not get a cent for…
Practical Gear: The Brushbeater Range-R Card
My buddy Brushbeater aka NC Scout, aka Appalachian Billy Bad Ass has a new piece of kit you need to add to your GO Bag ASAP. The Brushbeater Range-R Card . Made in collaboration with Black Hills Designs and myself, I’m proud to offer one of the coolest products for the Guerrilla Rifleman! Similar…
Latest County-Comm Swag
Some great new items from the awesome folks over at County-Comm I plan to incorporate in my “Survival Tins” or Survival Kits. Titanium Tube-a-ton Nub Titanium Screwdriver PSK Brass Flint Wheel Sparker PryX Tactical Gentleman’s Titanium Multi – Tool Afterburner Glow Tags Carbon Fiber Pocket Strong Box Get Your…
Constructing a War Rig
From the Archives, 2015 No, not that kind of War Rig! I recently wrapped up an ongoing project to finish all of my “ESG” or Essential Support Gear (The rigs I use to haul mags and other swag). The two main rigs that I use are Chest Rigs and a Rifleman’s Belt. I also have…
11 Best Night Vision Scopes: Tier 1 Operators, Hunters, and Competitors
11 Best Night Vision Scopes: Tier 1 Operators, Hunters, and Competitors Excellent Overview of a few NV scopes. Remember: If you want to OWN the Night you not only have to have the GEAR but also the TRAINING.
Packing a Ruck 101
How to Pack a Rucksack Always, Always, Always follow the basics of Combat Loading! Don’t make yourself dig through your spare underwear and personal hygiene items to get to your spare ITK or ammo! Let Common Sense and Practicality Rule the Day!
County-Comm Labor Day Gear Review
As Summer is winding down my good friends over at County-Comm have a few gagdets they wanted to show off. Glow – Extreme Grip ( TDW ) The Door Wedge – Silicone – Gen 2 Glows all night long! Now Made In High Durometer Silicone For Extreme Grip On Any Surface! Create…
Shotty Corner: The Nightstick SFL Forend Light
The Nightstick SFL — A New Shotgun Forend Light Every weapon used for self-defense needs a light on it. Period. Regardless if it is a handgun, rifle or shotty. Before these nifty shotgun forend gadgets came along back in the day I used a basic picatinny mount for a Streamlight TL-3 Flashlight and a…
Survival Cooking: The Tuna Can Stove
Survival Cooking: The Tuna Can Stove Although this won’t replace your Jetboil, it’s a good alternative to have in your toolbox.