Priorities of Purchase; Progressively Building a Rifleman’s Kit on a Budget 2024 Edition If you probably already have at least a basic understanding of what gear you do and don’t need, I am not writing this article for you. I am writing it so you can show it to your friends who are just breaking…
Category: Gear Locker
County-Comm New Items Fall Trifecta
Rapid-ResQ™ Quick Release Hook – Rev 2 ( Pick A Color ) A really slick, practical piece of kit to have on your key chain. Not only can it help you escape a seat belt, it can also help in opening packages or the occasional light cutting chore! If you’re smart you will…
Rhodesian Twofer
Archives, 2022 The Rhodesian Vest, Fireforce Style (a YBH tale) Fire Force: A Trooper’s War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
Gear Locker: Breachpen
Breachpen G2 When I first heard about this I was a tad skeptical. But after watching the demo video I was sold. (FF to 7:00 for the first demo). Let’s face it, having a small, portable thermite cutting rod in your pack could come in very handy for the martial citizen in a myriad…
A Better Woobie: SnugPak Jungle Blanket
A Better Woobie: SnugPak Jungle Blanket Every meat eating trigger puller remembers the woobie fondly. Its one of those ‘don’t leave home without’ items, whether you were only carrying an assault pack for a two or three day recce mission or packed a full ruck for a longer stay in the field. Formally known…
Escaping Restraints
3 Ways to Escape Zip Ties: An Illustrated Guide As Greg states over at Active Response Training, with home invasions, kidnappings and abductions on the rise it is never a waste of time for the martial citizen to study how to escape common restraints like zip ties and handcuffs, but the PRIMARY GOAL should…
Body Armor Deal
Testudo Lite Plate Carrier & Armor Package BOGO $391.00 ..FREE S&H Orders $499+ So for all you hardy souls who spent the weekend training, reloading and checking and re-checking your weapons and gear and NOT watching the Fear Mongering Pravda Propaganda News Network, I Commend You! If you do not have decent Level III IBA’s…
7 Best Budget Plate Carriers: Under $300 Review
7 Best Budget Plate Carriers: Under $300 Review Plate carriers are more popular than ever. This makes it difficult to find the best budget plate carriers, under $300. After all, two carriers may be exact copies of each other, but one is held together using string and sticks of gum. The purpose of this…
County-Comm 2023 Fall Review
My friends over at County-Comm sent me a small “goodie bag” with a few items from their new Fall Catalog I wanted to share with you guys. Pick Yours up Today! PryX Tactical Gentleman’s Titanium Multi – Tool The PryX Tactical Gentleman’s Titanium Multi – Tool is the perfect companion to keep on…
A *Small* Sample of some of the Awesome Swag offered by the BASED Retailers I support on this Blog. Don’t be a Sheeple! Show Your Support and Order some Today! Cult of Bas “Vote by Mail” Liber Apparel “Based and Braced” Dissident Rags “Pureblood Patriot”