Millions of LG phones at risk, Israeli team discovers For the second time in a month, researchers at cyber-security firms BugSec and CyNet have discovered a major security problem that leaves tens of millions of users at risk For the second time in a month, an Israeli team has uncovered a major security breach built…
Category: Computer Related
Chinese Military Revamps Cyber and Intelligence Capabilities
This story reminds me of Paul Newman’s famous line in the scene from Cool Hand Luke where the “Road Boss” with the Mirror sun glasses Shoots a bird flying with a rifle with one shot: “That man don’t say much, but I think he just said something right there….” The Chinese are continuously making statements…
Humor: New DOD Regulations Confirm that OPSEC Does Not Apply to Everyone
I always get a kick out of the Duffel Blog. This is what Everybody is thinking and this is what should be printed versus the spin and outright lies. -SF THE PENTAGON — The Department of Defense is set to release new security rules later this week, making it clear that consequences for violations don’t apply…
Singularity- Future Tense or Tense Future?
A Sci-Fi short story about homeland security at the edge of humanity Singularity Secretary Turing was still half asleep, restlessly tossing in bed, trying to shake the visceral angst she had been building up throughout the night. She was somnolent enough to continue her dream yet awake enough to realize it was rapidly becoming…
The Encryption Debate: Is Privacy More Important Than National Security?
The title to this article IMHO, aims to make the reader CHOOSE SIDES as to what is more important, Privacy or National Security. I propose to you that the expectation of Privacy, which is clearly defined in the 4th Amendment, and the DEFENSE of that Right, is what makes the United States unique as a…
An Easy Way for Hackers to Burn Industrial Motors
HACKS THAT CAUSE physical destruction are so rare they can be counted on one hand. The infamous Stuxnet worm was the first, causing physical destruction of nuclear centrifuges in Iran in 2009. In 2014, Germany reported the second known case of physical destruction involving a furnace at a steel mill. Both of these attacks required…
Calculating your “Threat Score”
As technology advances in our society, those sci-fi movies that everybody thought were outlandish and far-fetched will start being seen as harbingers. After reading this article, watch a few minutes of the movie “Minority Report”. “Psychic Technology” is nothing more now than an advanced algorithm. -SF FRESNO, Calif. — While officers raced to a recent…
Surveillance is the Business Model of the Internet
The Internet of Things That Talk About You Behind Your Back SilverPush is an Indian startup that’s trying to figure out all the different computing devices you own. It embeds inaudible sounds into the webpages you read and the television commercials you watch. Software secretly embedded in your computers, tablets, and smartphones pick up the…
The Russians Just Did a Cyber-Attack Practice Run on Ukraine’s Nationwide Power Grid…America is Next
The Russians are masters of 4th Generation Warfare. They know the United States must be attacked on several fronts to weaken it internally before a Conventional strike happens. Look for continued attacks on the Financial sector as well. A Nationwide Cyber-Attack on a Power Grid is now a stark reality folks. IMO it is not…
U.S. Voter Database Mysteriously Appears Online in the Open
A misconfigured database has provided users of the World Wide Web access to 191 million voter records. White hat hacker Chris Vickery happened upon the leaky system and sent CSO’s Steve Ragan his personal voter record to prove it. “It was current based on the elections listed. My personal information was accurate too,” Ragan writes….