THE NEWS THIS week that a magistrate ordered Apple to help the FBI hack an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooter suspects has polarized the nation—and also generated some misinformation. Those who support the government say Apple has cooperated in the past to unlock dozens of phones in other cases—so why…
Category: Computer Related
Ransomware: Pay Us or your Data Dies
This is the new era of crime folks, Hackers (and Tech Companies) holding data hostage. Ultimately, like always, it is the average person, in this case, the sick people in these hospitals, who suffers. Crime is Crime, I don’t care how it is facilitated. The Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles has announced that it…
Robot Cockroaches (For Real)
OK, I am giving away my age, but do any of you guys remember the Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons movie Runaway from 1984? OK, before you read this article, watch this clip below… I think it is hilarious to see how people over 30 years ago saw the future and actually nailed it in…
Cyber Crime Update: Cyber Criminals Getting Smarter, More Sophisticated and More Organized
Just this morning alone I have received two specially crafted scam emails from cyber criminals targeting unsuspecting Nigerians (mostly those that have bank accounts). I must say I am impressed! I almost fell for this scam email even with my years of Information Security Research and Ethical Hacking. The reasons I almost fell for this…
Hacker Plans to Dump Alleged Details of 20K FBI and 9K DHS Employees
If the account given below is accurate, it will not matter HOW MUCH money the US Govt spends on Cyber Defense. We have bonafide IDIOTS giving away information on “how-to” access secure Govt. data. You cannot FIX STUPID folks. And oh yeah, Iran is now a viable threat. -SF A hacker, who wishes to…
The Espionage Economy
U.S. firms are making billions selling spyware to dictators. By James Bamford Ricardo Martinelli resides in a condo at the Atlantis, a luxury high-rise on Florida’s Biscayne Bay made famous by the TV series Miami Vice. A hefty, white-haired billionaire, Martinelli, 63, was viewed just a few years ago as one of Latin America’s most…
Security Firm Warns of NEW Chinese Cyber Attacks
China is stepping up their game and timeline for War. -SF China’s cyber attacks against U.S. government and private sector databases are part of a major intelligence-gathering operation and are likely to continue, according to a new report by a cyber security firm. Chinese hackers stole health care data pertaining to some 80 million Americans…
Israel: Quietly Rising as a Cyber Super-Power in the Middle East
Israel now has more than 300 cybersecurity companies, exports totaling $6 billion, and 20 percent of the world’s private cyber investment dollars. Cybertech 2016 convened this week in Tel Aviv, and I was in the audience for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plenary address, courtesy of the America-Israel Friendship League and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Israel has an ambitious…
Sharpen your Cyber-Skills: How to Make Your Own NSA Bulk Surveillance System
OF ALL THE NSA surveillance documents Edward Snowden leaked, some of the most important exposed the spy agency’s so-called XKEYSCORE program, a massive system for vacuuming up and sifting through emails, chats, images, online search activity, usernames and passwords, and other private digital data from core fiber optics cables around the world. XKEYSCORE, which the…
Sharpen Your Cyber-Skills: NSA Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him OUT of Your System
IT WAS THE talk most anticipated at this year’s inaugural Usenix Enigma security conference in San Francisco and one that even the other speakers were eager to hear. Rob Joyce, the nation’s hacker-in-chief, took up the ironic task of telling a roomful of computer security professionals and academics how to keep people like him and his…