“Narco-Tanks”: Vehicle of Choice for Patrolling Mexico’s Criminal Landscape As things continue to worsen here in FUSA, The Armed Civilian can take a page from the Narco playbook when it comes to DIY Armored Personnel Carriers.
Category: Cartel and Gang Profiles
The Cartel’s New Drug Market with Ed Calderon
You can learn more in this 27 minute video about the Cartels and the Southern Border than 27 hours with the lying MSM. Listen Closely. Lot of Good Intel Here. Prepare Accordingly.
Don’t Be Fooled: The Real Threat is Black and Brown Gangs
Another Saturday Night Of Sailer’s Law Of Mass Shootings Don’t let the MSM fool you with their Monkey Math Stats: Blacks murdering each other accounts for 95% of all these “Mass Shootings” recently. The POS escaped convict who murdered the Grandfather and 4 kids in Centerville, Texas had ties to the Mexican Mafia and two…
FUSA Bulletin: Yes, This is Phoenix Arizona
H/T American Partisan In case you missed it, this is happening on OUR SIDE of the Border (aka FUSA). Prepare Accordingly and DO NOT Give Up Your Guns.
An Easy “W” I must have watched this movie half a dozen times growing up as a kid and like the author, yes, the ideal presented (using the U.S. Military to eradicate Drug Cartels) seemed like a perfectly legit and logical thing to do. You see one of the MANY problems we have in…
FUSA Bulletin: Expect 18K Illegals Per Day If Let’s Go Brandon Lifts Title 42
Expect 18K Illegals Per Day If Let’s Go Brandon Lifts Title 42 This is basically a Declaration of War on the United States from it’s own Pretender in Chief. The Gloves are off folks. We are looking at an Invasion by a third world army populated with gang members, pedophiles, murderers, rapist, ex-military, drug…
Cartel Tactics: Mom-and-Pop Stores – Perfect Money Laundering Vehicles on US-Mexico Border
Mom-and-Pop Stores: Perfect Money Laundering Vehicles on US-Mexico Border In the 21st Century of crypto-currency and shell corporations, some cartels still launder their dirty money the old-fashioned way.
FUSA Bulletin: Traitor Joe Biden Released 55K Of 164K Illegals caught in February
Great Replacement Update: Traitor Joe Biden Released 55K Of 164K Illegals caught in February So in just one month 33% of all the illegals caught were released into the American population? Think about that for one moment. One-third of the entire catch. How many of that one-third you think are murderers and rapist? How…
The Importation of Murder and Rape into the U.S.
InSight Crime’s 2021 Homicide Round-Up Like many folks, there was a time when I could give a tinkers damn about what was happening in some Central or South American beaner shit hole. But as of late, I have been FORCED to take notice because of the OBVIOUS agenda of this administration to import these…
Know Your Enemy: MS13 & Co.
MS13 & Co. This three part series in which the first two are included here with the third set to be published on Feb. 1st is an in-depth look at the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures of MS13. As the article will show, no longer can this violent street gang be considered just another group of…