ON THE HEELS OF THE INFOWARS BANNING, TWITTER BANS THREE PROMINENT LIBERTARIAN ACCOUNTS I don’t know about you folks, but When things like this happen it only strengthens my resolve to be more independent and self-sustaining. I strongly encourage all of you to take the authors advice and seek training not only in communications,…
Category: Bushcraft
Prepping 101: Survival Hygiene
25 Must Have Items for Your Survival Hygiene Kit (click on above title link to be re-directed to source page) Sometimes we forget that hygiene in a long-term or even mid-term survival situation is not only crucial to staying physically healthy but also to staying mentally healthy. Keeping psychologically fit and maintaining a positive outlook…
Survival Tips: 18 Macgyver Like Survival Hacks
Editor’s note: The following tips are excerpted from Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival by Creek Stewart. Having taught survival skills to thousands of individuals from all over the world for nearly two decades, I’ve come to one conclusion: the most important survival skill is innovation. Using what you have,…
Prepping: Creating a Collapse Supply List
I don’t do a lot of prepping articles because to be honest, most of it is common sense type stuff. Blame it on me being raised in the south and having a really “hands on” child hood I guess, but alot of what most people consider “prepping” I did when I was 12 years old…
Only 1% Are Preppers
No one really knows how many preppers exist in the world, but it is safe to say that there are more than three million in the United States alone. Even though this sounds like a huge segment of the population, this is still only slightly more than 1% of the total US populace. So, the…
Hunting: How to Skin a Deer with an Air Compressor
Read the Original Article at Ammo-Land
Time to Get out in the Woods and go PRIMAL
As a whole, most Civilian Operators devote a majority of their time (and budgets) to self-defense training. They see the world around them going to shit at an accelerated pace and want to be ready should the wolf come knocking. And while this is admirable and NEVER should be discouraged in any way, as…
Primitive Skills Checkup
The Civilian Operator must NEVER neglect training on the skills which would enable him to survive and be self-sufficient from modern society. Going back and learning and training on Primitive Skills is the only way you can ensure the future of yourself and loved ones when the world goes down the proverbial sewer pipe.-SF …