The Civilian Operator must NEVER neglect training on the skills which would enable him to survive and be self-sufficient from modern society. Going back and learning and training on Primitive Skills is the only way you can ensure the future of yourself and loved ones when the world goes down the proverbial sewer pipe.-SF
“Going to the woods is going home, for I suppose we came from the woods originally.”
– JOHN MUIR, US naturalist, 1838—1914
The word origin of ‘Primitive’ comes from prime – meaning first. The foundation of man’s ‘first skills’ are cutting tools, cordage, and fire.
From these three tools you can start to build everything else you “need.” Steve Watts and a few others teach a class, “Abo 101,” that address these skills. As a part of this list, I would include “Plant Practicality.” Cordage, Fire (and many other things) require a practical knowledge of plants. This doesn’t necessarily mean being able to identify a plant by name, but having a practical knowledge of the plant properties that can make cordage, fire, and so much more.
Here is a little more on each…
Cutting Tools. Man was not born with Fang or Claw. When one of our ancestors accidentally cut himself with a rock for the first time and said “OW!” he realized the potential he could do in piercing things and separating matter. Cutting Tools also include things that abrade, scrape, and grind. And it is not just stone, “cutting” tools can be bone, shell, and even wood. Good rock can be a limited resource in some areas. It can be tens of miles (or more) in one direction before you find an area with rock sharp enough to slice. This is why a knife (or axe) is a most critical tool. Nonetheless, every Woodsman should know how to make a sharp edge from rock should they lose their knife. This is not a difficult thing once someone shows you how to do it the first time. Worse comes worse, bash some rocks and let the chips fall where they may.
Cordage. Before the nail was invented, man’s world was held together by cordage. Its uses, like duct tape today, are limitless, here are few; fire making, shelter, traps, snares, clothing, footwear, fishing line, bow stings, tool construction, crafts, containers, etc. Knowing how to make cordage from plants, animals and even manmade materials is a valuable skill. Some natural materials include hides, sinew, inner tree bark, woody stalks, leaves, grasses, rootlets, root bark, vine, and wood fiber.
Read the Remainder at Master Woodsman
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