Via: NC Renegades The Great Taking Cooper – The Great Taking
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Texas News: Houston Home Invasion by Two Armed Mexican Gang Banger Thugs
Sorry, but these Cops had ZERO Tactical Prowess in this Situation. Lucky both of them did not get killed. Notice one of the Perps has an Ankle Monitor! They are releasing these POS back out on the street as soon as they arrest them! The Invasion is Real. Stay Armed and Prepare Accordingly. …
Nature Versus Nurture (Versus Immigration)
Nature Versus Nurture (Versus Immigration) (By A Former Border Patrolman) Recently Trump went viral by saying that immigrants to America have “bad genes”. “You know, now a murderer, I believe this, it’s in their genes. And we’ve got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.” [Trump’s ‘words matter’: Republican strategist reacts…
Immigrants, Crime, And The Democrats
Immigrants, Crime, And The Democrats Immigrant crime is in the news, because Trump is talking about it—although if you read the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other MSM outlets, what you see is “Immigrant Crime Denial”. Samples of Immigrant Crime Denial from Google News: What’s behind recent false claims about immigrants and crime? Politifact, September 27, 2024…
Cartel Corner: Cartel Gunmen Kidnap Mexican Border State Senator
Cartel Gunmen Kidnap Mexican Border State Senator One of the often overlooked aspects of a Criminal Insurgency is political kidnapping and assassinations. Look for a dramatic uptick in these two on THIS side of the border as the invaders become more organized and emboldened in their efforts to dismantle and destroy Western Society as…
Crime Awareness: There is No Safety in Staying Stationary!
Via: DTI “Safe” Inside a Stationary Vehicle? Two weeks ago, on I90 near Cleveland, OH, the entire freeway was blocked, taken-over, and completely shut down for more than a hour by a mob of street thugs who then accosted stalled motorists. No escape was allowed! Frantic 911 calls from stranded motorists were answered…
Local, Local, Local! – Aerial Recovery & Hurricane Helene
The POS Gangsters in D.C. are NOT Coming to Save You. When Local and Regional Communities and State Resources Coordinate there is Nothing We Cannot Do. WE ARE IT.
Not-A-Glock – A 100% DIY 3D Printed .22lr Pistol
Not-A-Glock – A 100% DIY 3D Printed .22lr Pistol The recently released ‘Not-a-Glock’ pistol is designed to be made in countries which restrict firearms ownership, particularly concealable pistols suitable for self-defense . Built and designed by a European, the build guide includes over 30 pages of detailed instructions on printing and assembly with the only metal components…
Shot Placement: Simple But Realistic Targeting
Shot Placement: Simple But Realistic Targeting I have been studying armed conflict for over four decades. I went places, talked to people, viewed autopsies, read reports, made contacts, collected data. Today, all it takes is watching videos. If I could have done it easily, I would have, but I certainly don’t regret the journey….
FUSA Bulletin: Importing the Third World v3.0
Box containing human head reportedly found on sidewalk of Chicago’s West Side: report Mayor’s Beheading Is Ominous Sign of Security Crisis Facing Mexico’s New President Stay Alert & Armed and above all else, Prepare Accordingly.