Nature Versus Nurture (Versus Immigration)
(By A Former Border Patrolman)
Recently Trump went viral by saying that immigrants to America have “bad genes”. “You know, now a murderer, I believe this, it’s in their genes. And we’ve got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.” [Trump’s ‘words matter’: Republican strategist reacts to former president’s ‘bad genes’ comment , CNN, October 15, 2024] Immediately, the left was out with their smelling salts and fainting couches unable to believe what their innocent ears were hearing.
I find that strange because, when it comes time to finding a genetic link to crime, journalists have no problem with it so long as the perpetrator is white. The Atlantic Monthly had an excellent article on this possibility titled, “When Crime Is a Family Affair”, by Fox Butterfield [October 22, 2018]. It followed the white Bogle family in Oregon. Two of the brothers are among “…60 members in their extended family who have been incarcerated or placed on probation or parole.”
Brothers Bobby Bogle (left) and Tracey Bogle (right) are two of 60 members in their extended family who have been incarcerated or placed on probation or parole. (Oregon Department of Corrections)
The article mentions that a study in South London (from the pre-mass immigration date of 1961 to 2001) found that two-thirds of convicted kids came from 105 of the families.