By Dean Weingarten In 2012, nearly four years ago, after the shooting at Sandy Hook, the future of the Republic and the Constitution looked dim. We had seen a President who disdained the Constitution, who flaunted his power, who had the media on his side and a Congress that conspired with him, be re-elected. This…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Dose of Truth: What the Shooting Today in England Proves
Great Britain has some of the strictest, most socialist Gun Laws in the World and yet a politician was SHOT and STABBED in broad daylight Today. If the liberal idealogy of “The Answer to gun violence is more Gun Regulation” then why is that asinine ideal not holding water in one of the most anti-gun, socialist…
Armed Citizen Corner: Heightened Awareness During Ramadan
Guys I just wanted to remind you of something that the lame stream media is sure NOT to mention, since Fear of being labeled an “Islamophobe” drives most of their news. The islamic holiday of Ramadan runs from June 5th to July 5th. The Orlando Shooting with 49 dead, The Murder of a French Police…
Examining Terrorist Tactics: Know Your Enemy
Instead of wasting time reading the multitude of articles about the Orlando Shooting, as bad as it was, as Responsible Armed Civilians, the best thing we can do IMO is PREPARE TO FIGHT THESE BASTARDS so something like this does not happen again. One of the best ways we can begin to do that is to…
Armed Citizen Corner: Flying Prepared
Here is a tip for those of you that don’t like to fly “totally naked”. Buy a couple of large metal climbing carabiners that are big enough so your hand can fit through them (JUMBO Sized)…similar to the ones pictured below. Make sure to buy well-made Metal MOUNTAINEERING Carabiners that have some heft to them….
Another Reason To Be Armed: Home Invasion Stopped DEAD In It’s Tracks
The Question raised in this incident: Is It SMART To FIRE THROUGH a BARRIER (such as a Door) When You have Not Identified what is on the other side? 99% of the time I would say NO. The reason being if you live in an urban area/neighborhood, the chance for you to MISS the perp…
Armed Citizen Corner: Traveling Armed Part IV/Unarmed
By Brian Montgomery Continued from Part 1 (Know the Law), Part 2 (Airplanes), and Part 3 (Complacency Kills). Carry your gun. Carry it wherever and whenever you can. Also carry a re-load, back-up, flashlight and communication device. Yeah, I know, everyone carries a cell phone, but do you routinely carry a secondary…
Armed Citizen Corner: Some Really Stupid Arguments Anti-Gunners Have About Campus Carry
I normally don’t give the “Brainless Katie Couric Anti-Gun Crowd” the time of day, but seeing Campus Carry is an issue near and dear to my heart, here are some of their retarded arguments against Campus Carry and the appropriate logical rebuttals.-SF The concept of allowing those with a concealed carry permit to…
Another Reason To Be Armed: Tulsa, OK Homeowner Attacked While Doing Yardwork, Shoots and Kills Assailant
Couple of things here: First, Oklahoma, like Texas and 21 other States is a STAND YOUR GROUND State, so forget this “Warning Shot” business. If you feel your life is in danger, USE YOUR WEAPON. Second, Always better to HAVE A GUN ON YOUR PERSON and NOT NEED IT than NEED A GUN and NOT…
Another Reason To Be Armed: Wheelchair Bound Vet Center Punches POS Burglar
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports this week (5/21/2016) in Monticello, Georgia that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into a fatal shooting by a local resident. A wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, age 69, was at home on Thursday about 9 p.m. That’s when an intruder, age 22, apparently forced his way into the home through a…