Very Important Information for the SECOND most Important Fight you will ever Have in your Life: The Legal Battle after you have used your gun to defend yourself. -SF When training our members on how to deal with the aftermath of a self defense shooting, we always emphasize the negative impact of stress on…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Civilian Operator 101: The Survival Tree
One of the BEST and most Practical articles I have read in a long time on training for and surviving an Active Shooter situation.-SF A lot of people have asked me about how they could increase their survivability in an active shooter situation. The reality is sometimes you can’t win and that’s something you should…
Armed Citizen Corner: Guns vs The Environment
A great reminder to keep your firearm maintenance at the top of your “to do” List because you never know when you might need it to save your ass. -SF Last week I wrote an article about how I was incapacitated after surgery and needed to change the gun I normally carry. I…
Armed Citizens Corner: Recognizing an Opportunity For Action When The Killer’s Gun Jams
By Greg Ellifritz I’ve written quite a bit about malfunctioning guns over the years. I published Criminals and the Guns They Carry. That article was a study of all the unloaded broken and malfunctioning guns police take from criminals. A couple weeks later I wrote Weapon Malfunctions in the Active Shooter Environment about…
Armed Citizen Corner: It Appears “Black Power Islamic Activist” are OK with Not Only Killing White Cops and Civilians but Also Killing Their Own Race Too
It appears one of the Policeman killed in Baton Rouge Today, Montrell Jackson, was an upstanding black Christian Policeman with a 4 month baby at home. Montrell wrote this last week when Dallas happened. These are the Facts Ladies and Gentleman: To a Nation of Islam THUG, a badge is a badge and Deserves to…
Armed Citizen Corner: Surprise, Surprise Baton Rouge Cop Killer Was Nation of Islam Member
(Note: I refuse to put up a picture of a POS cop killer, instead let us remember the three policeman who were AMBUSHED and MURDERED and Pray for their families. Their names are: Montrell Jackson, Matthew Gerald and Brad Garafola. Let’s also Pray for the Quick recovery of the 4 Policeman who were shot/injured)-SF …
Armed Citizen Corner: Start Practicing More Headshots Because Terrorist Love Explosives
If you are reading this, then you are probably the type of person who would be willing to fight back against a terrorist attack using your guns. The fact is that more and more terrorist attacks are going to be occurring on American soil because the “Global War on Terror” includes the USA now. That…
Health and Fitness: The Physically Adaptive Combat Athlete
Although this is obviously aimed for military application, I think it gives the Civilian Operator a great springboard template to base his Physical Fitness training regimen off of, especially if you want to integrate small unit tactics. -SF The Physically Adaptive Soldier: Creating the Combat Athlete Darrell E. Fawley III As the Army transitions…
Armed Citizens Corner: “The One in a Quarter of A Million Shot”
An extraordinary shot from a Colorado gunfight is being described as a “one in a billion” shot. The shot is extraordinary, but the odds are much better than a billion to one. It is fairly common for people in a gun fight to get hit in the gun arm or gun hand, or for their…
Trauma Medicine: Through-and-Through Gunshot Wound to the Chest
This is an excellent educational article on traumatic gunshot wound care and treatment. Lots of good photos and vids, so please click on the Original link at Tac-Med Australia to see ALL of It!-SF 02 JUL 2016 The following case study is of an Afghan civilian woman who was medically evacuated to a Forward Surgical…