Would-Be Hero Almost Gets Shot By Police Responding To “Mall Shooting”
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Take Note Guys: THIS IS WHAT NOT TO DO When you hear about a Possible Active Shooter Situation nearby.
DO NOT go running in there in your GI Joe get-up with your brand new Bushmaster AR yelling
“Ye-Haw MotherFu_kers!!! Where are those Damn Jihadist!!”
In the words of the author, you MIGHT get “Ventilated” by Responding Law Enforcement.
But this also brings up a very good training question: What does an Armed Citizen do if they are actually inside a mall or wherever during an Active Shooter incident and the SWAT team comes blazing in? At What point should we “disarm” ourselves to avoid confusion and from being Wrongfully identified as “hostile” because we are armed?
That Answer will be coming up next week.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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“Do NOT go in there in your GI Joe get up…”
Good one- caused Rolling Rock out the nose!
LOL…sounds painful as hell!!
Reblogged this on The way I see things … and commented:
I certainly would not approach the situation as described in the article but I know I would do my best to be on the line with 911 until the trained officers were on the scene. I would let them know I was armed.
Beer out the nose always kinda hurts…
Yeah just don’t charge in there like a yahoo.. think that is the lesson here Lisa.:)