South Dakotans may soon be able to carry concealed handguns without a permit Let Constitutional Carry spread across the land! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
What Disarmament Does to a Nation
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous and NEVER Give up Your Guns!
Do You Know the Difference Between “Need” and “Right” ?
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
The Time To Shoot is When You See Another Gun!
Argentina. Armed Off-Duty Cop Lives to see Another Sunrise thanks to being armed, reacting quickly and using good tactics, mainly moving out of the kill zone (Getting off the “X”) Remember: Training to React QUICKLY and WITHOUT HESITATION is going to be the main factor in you surviving a situation like this. Never wait for…
NoGun, Shogun!
Nogun Shogun! It deeply saddens me to hear that our Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, a Marine General who was once quoted as saying “Be Polite,Be Professional but be Prepared to Kill Everyone you Meet” has officially LOST HIS BALLS. It appears this once proud Marine Warrior has let the hypocrisy of Washington D.C. seep…
Basic Medical References You Need On Hand
BASIC MEDICAL REFERENCES YOU NEED ON HAND I am a big believer in dedicating a large portion of both your Training budget and Preparation time to medical preparedness. In every SHTF, ass-hole puckering situation I have ever been in, I used this skill-set the most above all others. *This is one of those articles…
True story
American History at it’s finest…
Police Chief Refuses To Enforce New Strict Gun Control Laws – ‘I’ve Taken 3 Public Oaths… Defending the Constitution’
It’s gonna come down to loyalty ultimately. Make your choice now folks. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Learning From History: What the Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control
What The Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control There are so many good lessons history can teach us if we would only stop and heed them! The summary paragraph bears repeating: “In other words, vindictiveness and enforced disarmament failed. It failed because demonizing an entire group of people when the responsibility is much more…
Modified Texas LTC Qualification
Modified Texas LTC Qualification Not too drastic a change to the COF, but enough of a change to add enough realism and challenge to make the drill respectable. I agree with the author, if the licensee cannot meet this very standard baseline of skill, something is terribly wrong and they should seek additional training….