Century Arms Brings AES10B & PSL Rifles Back to the U.S. Market Get em’ while you can. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
The Real Resistance: Washington State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws
I have always said when the metal meets the meat regarding enforcing unconstitutional gun laws and “gun confiscations” it will all boil down to your local County Sheriff, so elect wisely and form relationships now, it WILL matter in the upcoming storm.
Texas Homeowner Stacks Crooks like Cordwood!
Texas homeowner shoots, kills 3 men and injures 2 during home invasion, officials say Hell Yeah, that is what I am talking about! I love Headlines like this! Of course all the bleeding heart assholes out there would rather the headline be something like: “A Homeowner was sodomized, robbed and Murdered today in his…
How to Spot a Bad Guy
How to Spot a Bad Guy- A Comprehensive Look at Body Language and Pre-Assault Indicators Good stuff by Greg Ellifritz over at Active Response Training. Keep that Situational Awareness Sharp…better to be aware and AVOID a problem than walk head first into one and have to fight your way out. Stay Alert, Armed and…
Iowa Middle Schools Teaching Students Gun Safety Course
And to think 50 years ago we had Gun Clubs in Schools. https://www.nationalreview.com/2013/01/gun-clubs-school-charles-c-w-cooke/
Gun Hacks: Coat Hanger Machine Gun DIAS (Drop In Auto Sear)
Coat Hanger Machine Gun DIAS (Drop In Auto Sear) Cool read! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Man Bites Dog: Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks
Man Bites Dog: Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks Very Practical/Tactical article that everybody needs to read. Note: As a Dog Lover (my 3 pound chiweenie companion “Bruiser” is asleep by me as I type this) I want to re-emphasize the author’s note about having to defend yourself against a vicious dog. NOTE: Dogs are…
Red Flag Gun Laws – Public Safety or Abuse of the Innocent?
Red Flag Gun Laws – Public Safety or Abuse of the Innocent? Rob Morse and his site Slow Facts is one of the most dedicated, educated and level headed firearm instructors and voices of the Pro 2A movement out there and I appreciate him raising the alarm over Red Flag Gun Laws (ie ERPO’s),…
Know The Law: ERPO’s Already on the Books in Texas
Texas Already has Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws Good example of Big Brother Fed trying to muscle in on State sovereignty and replace existing State laws that already work. This goes right along with what I have been saying for some time that the main agenda of the Federal Government in pushing State’s to…
2A News: Think Republicans Will Stop Red Flag Laws?
Think Republicans Will Stop Red Flag Laws? Bribes To Pass Red Flag Laws Absolutely Despicable. For some time I have been warning all who have ears to hear about the danger of Red Flag Laws; they are a legal gateway to mass disarmament in this country, and that is not an exaggeration folks….