Coat Hanger Machine Gun DIAS (Drop In Auto Sear) Cool read! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Man Bites Dog: Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks
Man Bites Dog: Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks Very Practical/Tactical article that everybody needs to read. Note: As a Dog Lover (my 3 pound chiweenie companion “Bruiser” is asleep by me as I type this) I want to re-emphasize the author’s note about having to defend yourself against a vicious dog. NOTE: Dogs are…
Red Flag Gun Laws – Public Safety or Abuse of the Innocent?
Red Flag Gun Laws – Public Safety or Abuse of the Innocent? Rob Morse and his site Slow Facts is one of the most dedicated, educated and level headed firearm instructors and voices of the Pro 2A movement out there and I appreciate him raising the alarm over Red Flag Gun Laws (ie ERPO’s),…
Know The Law: ERPO’s Already on the Books in Texas
Texas Already has Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws Good example of Big Brother Fed trying to muscle in on State sovereignty and replace existing State laws that already work. This goes right along with what I have been saying for some time that the main agenda of the Federal Government in pushing State’s to…
2A News: Think Republicans Will Stop Red Flag Laws?
Think Republicans Will Stop Red Flag Laws? Bribes To Pass Red Flag Laws Absolutely Despicable. For some time I have been warning all who have ears to hear about the danger of Red Flag Laws; they are a legal gateway to mass disarmament in this country, and that is not an exaggeration folks….
Corporate-Driven Gun Control
Corporate-Driven Gun Control Excellent article on what I like to call “back-door” gun control tactics being used by the spineless left. Stay Vigilant, Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
It’s Never Too Late to Teach Your Kids How to Shoot
The Following videos are of Katelyn Francis, who at the time, was a 13 year old girl which could shoot better than a majority of men and women twice her age in 3 Gun Competition. The reason she could shoot like this is her dad took her out shooting when she was young and it…
Gun Grabbing Realities: Venezuela
As Country Crashes and Burns, Venezuelans Offer Chilling Warning About Gun Grabbers Venezuela has been and continues to be, a screaming red flag cautionary tale for American Patriots. National Gun Confiscation is not a “Far Right Scare Tactic” as those on the left claim. Right now as we speak the legal groundwork for National…
Gun News Alert! Senate Has One Week To Approve National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity Bill
Senate Has One Week To Approve National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity Bill This is HUGE. Phone or Email your Senator Right now and Tell them you want them to Endorse 115 H.R. 38. Phone: (202) 225-3121. Email Directory Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
“Red Flag” Gun Control Bill To Be Introduced in Texas
New “Red Flag” Gun Control Bills To Be Introduced into Texas Well it appears the lib-tard anti-gun mentality that has been so prevalent across the country lately has crept into my home State of Texas (via liberal politicians) in the form of several anti-gun bills, one of which is the dreaded draconian “Red Flag”…