It’s Not About New Laws; It’s about Enforcing the Ones We Have This is my mantra comeback whenever I hear somebody talk about needing “tougher gun laws”. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
A Note to 2A “Moderates”
You know when it comes to Second Amendment Rights you got a whole lot of folks out there sitting on the fence in regards to how far they are willing to go to keep them. You know the type of people I am talking about right? They often make fun of people who are “preppers”…
Kentucky Sheriff Warns Residents To ‘Load Guns’ As Services Suspended
Be Thankful there are still some Sheriffs out there who believe in the 2A, give it another ten years and that generation will be replaced with Cultural Marxist Leftist Soy Boy Sheriffs who will be sending out Tweets to Turn in your Guns and report for “Re-Education” at the local Fairgrounds. Think I am joking?…
Good News for the Deep South
Alabama Moves toward Constitutional Carry in 2019 Let it spread Lord, Let it Spread! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Study Shows Concealed Carry Permit Holders Break Laws Far Less Than Cops
I did a double-take on the headline thinking it was a typo, but it’s not…Wrap your head around this one! Despite massive gun restrictions rolling out across the country, for the past two years, the number of concealed carry permit holders has continued to soar. […] via Study Shows Concealed Carry Permit Holders Break Laws…
Canadian Man Charged With Murder For Killing Home Invader
Canada: A Liberal shithole where jihadist and criminals have free reign.
Another Reason to be Armed
Florida homeowner shoots, kills pair of armed intruders holding his mom hostage When I read stories like this I am reminded that in a self-defense situation, very often the difference between living and dying is measured in split seconds. When the time comes to defend yourself or your family from harm, YOU CANNOT HESITATE!…
L.A. Jade Helm v2.0
“WTF Is Going On In Downtown LA?”: Army War Drills Continue Across Los Angeles Won’t here this on any of the Fake News Cartel stations…why? Besides SOF training drills, they are also sharpening up for a critical domestic incident such as mass civil unrest, rioting and looting. Prepare Now. Better to have it and…
Bare Handed Mountain Lion Self-Defense
Colorado Runner Kills Mountain Lion with Bare Hands in Self-Defense Well here’s a headline you don’t see everyday! Two things pop out at me. Number one, this story emphasizes why you should always train with the Combative Mentality. The key word in gun fight is not gun, it’s fight. Sharpen your empty hand skills and…
Home Owner Uses AK-47 in Self-Defense
Houston Gunfight, Deadly as OK Corral; Home Owner Uses AK47 in Self Defense For all those folks out there that say a semi-automatic rifle with a 30 round magazine (what you liberals call an “Assault Rifle”) has no place in a civilian’s arsenal, consider this scenario where a lone homeowner was confronted with five…