13 Times in February Armed Citizens Intervened to Stop Crimes More proof that Armed Citizens make for a Safer, More Polite society. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Gun Control Bill on Governor’s Desk in New Mexico
Senate Bill 8, a sweeping gun control measure, passed the state Senate and is now sitting on the governor’s desk awaiting signature. Source: Gun Control Bill on Governor’s Desk in New Mexico
Colorado Counties Declaring Second Amendment Sanctuary Status At Lightening Speed
Colorado Counties Declaring Second Amendment Sanctuary Status At Lightening Speed The FIGHT (and it is a FIGHT folks) to maintain not only your 2A rights but ALL your Constitutional Rights ALWAYS begins at the LOCAL and STATE level. I urge Everybody to follow Colorado’s lead in this JUST campaign against tyranny. Stay Alert, Armed…
Of Liberals, Socialist, Muslims and your Role in America
By Paul Howe, CSAT You can be a passive Conservative American. You can be a pro-active Conservative American. You can be an Aggressive Conservative American. Being passive will only accelerate the downward spiral of our country. As an Oath Taker in Law Enforcement and the Military, I do not take this action lightly. Many times,…
Kentucky Sheriff’s Ominous Warning
Kentucky Sheriff’s Ominous Warning To Citizens: “LOCK YOUR DOORS, LOAD YOUR GUNS AND GET YOU A BARKING, BITING DOG” I would give this advice regardless of what ANY Government body (Federal, State or Local) is doing or is not doing. Listen folks, at the end of the day, it comes down to YOU and only…
Constitutional Carry Passes the Kentucky House
Constitutional Carry Passes the Kentucky House One Signature away from becoming law…Congrats Kentucky! As I have said before, the best insurance we true Patriots have at retaining not only our Second Amendment Freedoms but ALL the Freedoms accorded to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is for States to exercise their sovereignty…
Armed Citizens and Active Shooter Events
Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events The “Tale of the Tape” involving Armed Citizens and Active Shooter Events are amazing! Just another Reason to Stay Armed 24/7 or Guess Right! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Friends Don’t Let Friend’s Open Carry
When a armed civilian carries a handgun openly for self-defense they give away the element of surprise and invite trouble that most armed civilians are not trained to handle, namely WEAPON RETENTION via empty-hand and/or knife skills. If you are going to carry a handgun for self-defense, carry concealed and increase your odds for success…
Kentucky: Constitutional Carry Bill to House Floor
Kentucky: Constitutional Carry Bill to House Floor In a world going to hell in a hand basket, news like this makes me smile. As more States exercise their sovereign Second Amendment rights, the better chance we have as a nation of Free Men to stand against Federal Tyranny. If Passed, Kentucky will be the 17th…
Never Ask for Permission to Defend Yourself!
Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot I’m glad all turned out well for this woman and her child, but take this as a Lesson folks: NEVER ask permission to defend yourself! This is why realistic training is so important. Not only does it sharpen your shooting skills but also your…